My cousin is my fake BOYFRIEND: chapter 2

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Hayden's POV

"See something you like?" I asked her,smirking. Mia(my crush) had been checking me out for the past few seconds. That snapped her out of her daze. I suppose she must have been surprised to see me at her doorstep. 

"Humm...humm...," she mumbled.

I pulled her into a bear hug. I have missed her so much. Her little 5'2 frame fit perfectly in my arms. She had changed so much since the last time I saw her. Her beautiful jet black hair now cascaded down her back in soft curls. I reluctantly pulled away.

"Hayden, what are you doing here?...I...I missed you," Mia said, her cheeks becoming a light pink. She looked so cute.

"I missed you too Mia," I said with a smirk, "You look cute when you blush"

Mia's cheeks became more pink from my comment. She buried her face in my chest and I couldn't help but laugh at her awkwardness. 

"Stop laughing at me,you're so mean Hayden," she said in a muffled voice.

"To answer your question, can't I visit my favourite cousin in the world? I am actually taking a gap year and like i said can't i visit my favourite tiny Mia," I replied with a smile.

Mia pulled back from my chest and looked at me. She seemed genuinely happy to see me.

"How long will you stay at my place Hayden?" She said shyly.

"Want to get rid of me already? But I just got here shorty." I said giving her the puppy eyes.

"Of course not Mr GIant are the most welcome to stay as long as you want," Mia replied, laughing.

"Hey it's not my fault that you are tiny, doesn't mean that i'm a giant," I said grinning.

"Yes, it makes you a giant," she persisted.



Suddenly a voice interrupted our bickering. It was a voice I would recognize among millions. It was Anna, Mia's best friend and mine as well. The three of us practically grew up together since Anna was always with Mia and Mia, well she was always with me so...

Anna's POV

"Hayden!" I shouted running down the stairs.

I threw myself in his arms, planting a kiss on his lips. At first he seemed shocked but then he just smiled at me. Hayden is not my boyfriend and I don't have a crush on him. The only reason I had kissed the guy was to see Mia's reaction. It was priceless. Her mouth dropped open before her expression showed nothing but anger. I knew it! She so had a crush on Hayden.

"Hey to you too gorgeous. Missed me that much," he said laughing it off. I smiled at him backing off. 

He brushed his hand through his hair and turned to Mia, "See shorty, this is how you greet Hayden Dallas," he winked at her. Mia blushed a deep scarlet and I couldn't help but giggle.

Mia blushed and we all proceeded to the kitchen. I walked towards the counter, grabbing the coffee pot. Hayden must be tired from his journey, I thought as I brewed the coffee.

"Thanks Anna," Hayden said as I handed him the cup of coffee. Mia sat beside Hayden complaining about how I didn't love her anymore since I did not make her coffee.

"Don't be such a baby, you know we loveee you sooo much..." I said dramatically opening my arms to show her just how much.

Time ticked by and before I knew it, we Hayden was yawning. Mia seemed to notice as well and soon enough we were all headed upstairs to sleep. 

"Where do I put my things Mia?" Hayden asked. He looked so tired. The were bags beneath his eyes were prominent. 

"Follow me," I said showing him the way. Hayden's new room was really spacious just like any room in Mia's mansion. It was painted a beautiful dark blue  and a painting of the galaxy adorned the ceiling. How I wish I had such a beautiful room. In the middle of the room was a king sized bed which looked so soft and comfy that I wanted to jump on it. In the corner of the room was a walk-in closet. The room also had an attached bathroom. Hayden seemed as pleased as me about the housing arrangements. He went in and jumped on the bed.

"Night Hayden" i said as i walked back to Mia's room.

"Why did you kiss Hayden like that?" Mia said as soon as i entered her room.

She was sitting on her own king size bed in the corner of the room.She was fidgeting in her seat. I knew she was pissed off. Shrugging I walked to her. I could tell that she was impatient to hear my answer and annoying me just had to make her wait as long as I could before answering her.

"Let me think. I just wanted to see your expression," i answered.

"You what? What will Hayden think now, that you like him?!," she asked, fuming.

"Are you jealous Mia?" smirking I went to her walk in closet to change. As I entered the closet, I heard her whisper no.

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