chapter 1 - Cori

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A cool autumn breeze was rustling through the trees' red leaves on Madison Avenue. I walked up the library's steps, and went through its large, mahogany door. 

Inside, the surrounding calmness washed over me. The only thing to be heard was the distant sound of someone turning a page. I stood still for a moment, taking everything in. The high, arched ceiling caved majestically over the rows of tall bookshelves, making the library resemble a gothic church. There were a few windows which let in a soft light and the floorboards were covered with a red, aged carpet. This was definitely my favourite type of environment. It felt strange and a little overwhelming being in a place where so many stories and ideas, from the past and present existed. So many people's hard work in one space. 

 A woman of about 50 with thick-rimmed glasses was sitting at the front desk working on something on her computer.

"Good morning," I said to her, as I tried to tame a few strands of my hair that had been tangled earlier on, due to the breeze. "I was wondering if you have the book 'Gone With The Wind'."

She looked up from her work, her eyes smiling. "Of course we have it! It really is worth the read," she said, standing up. She then began guiding me through long aisles full of bookshelves stacked with hundreds of books. They were carefully lined and organized alphabetically according to the author's surname. 

"By the way, I'm Helen," she added as we were walking past an area with a few reading tables.

"It's great to meet you. I'm Cori," I said, slowly beginning to feel at ease around her. Admittedly, I was a little surprised that she was being so forward. "We're supposed to read this book for our literature class this year," I added once we arrived at the shelf labeled 'Margaret Mitchell'.

"I think I first read it in high-school. I remember thinking that Scarlet O'Hara, the main character, was quite stuck up, but to be honest, I grew to slowly love her. There aren't many heroines like her, especially in books written during that time period," she said and crouched down on her knees to search for it on a dusty shelf. 

In an aisle a little further away, I spotted a guy of about my age. He was tall, with messy brown hair and was flicking through the pages of a Jules Verne novel. When he noticed me staring at him, he looked up from his book and smiled, revealing a perfect set of teeth. I quickly glanced away, feeling myself blush and resumed my conversation with Helen.

"I bet it will become your favourite book!" she added and stood back up again with surprising ease.

As we were heading back to her desk, I turned around to see if the guy from earlier on was still there but sadly I noticed he was gone.

"Let me know if you enjoyed it once you've read it," Helen said, while helping me put the book in my bag. "I really hope you resonate with it as much as I did," she added cheerfully.

I walked outside and sat on a nearby bench. School wasn't due to start for about an hour, so I pulled 'Gone With The Wind' back out of my bag and carefully opened it. 

The first page consisted of a description of Scarlet, as she spent her time with the Tarleton twins, Stuart and Brent, who were both courting her. As I read I slowly grew fond of her, even though she seemed to be bossy and definitely flawed, as Helen had previously mentioned she would be. I was so used to all the classic heroines in my favourite books being very elegant and that is why Scarlet O'Hara's character description was very refreshing. I was just really tired of perfect characters. That was why I had decided to read and study 'Gone With The Wind' for my assignment this year, instead of the other novels which were suggested.

I had been sitting there reading for quite a while when I got a text from my sister.

I had been sitting there reading for quite a while when I got a text from my sister

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(photo description: text message from Charlotte that says "S.O.S.! Dad just got home and he's had too much to drink")

I worriedly put the book in my bag and started to walk home. That was the third time dad had come home drunk, that week. He had been acting that way ever since the divorce, always stumbling home at 8 am, after having downed endless pints of beer. He would shout and throw things and once he'd calm down, he would fall asleep and wake up at 6 pm. I didn't know if I was angry or sad about the situation. Maybe I was both.

I tried to just focus on the road and the cars passing by. Every time he did this, it made me more and more disappointed. I was tired of having to act like the parent.

After having walked for some time, I reached my doorstep and began rummaging through my pockets for my key. Suddenly I heard something land with a crash from the direction of the kitchen. Afraid that someone had been hurt, I instantly grabbed my phone, my hands trembling, and dialed a number.

"Hi, please come over, we need help."

Note: i hope you enjoyed this chapter and I can't wait for you to go on to the next one!

Question: have you ever read the book 'Gone With The Wind'? Leave your answer in the comments!


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