24: Should You Ever See Me Again

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Jeremy's POV

When Bonnie had stopped crying, she picked up her bag, seemingly shamed for weeping in front of me, but empty. She seemed hollow, like a ghost. Her magic was a part of her and that had just been taken away. I knew the feeling.

I walked up to my room, wondering how the night had gotten so insanely out of control, and laid down on my bad. Well, more of fell flat onto it. I had been laying there for about five minutes when I noticed something strange.

My room was... cleaner.

I looked to the writing desk. There was no longer any small clips of makeup or a smooth bone-white brush that had once been there. I looked at that space between the chair and the closet. There was no longer any trunk there. When I peeked in the closet, there was no small, sectioned off piece of carpet where her clothes had been stacked.

Annice wasn't here.

Her scent still lingered, that haughty mix of foreign spices and a sweet floral scent, an unlikely combination. She had left so quickly, I could practically see her grabbing her trunk and throwing herself out the window. Which only left one question. Where had she gone?

To the Salvatore's, probably. I guess she made up with Damon. Typical.

The one last thing that caught my attention was the stray piece of paper on the writing desk. It was too heavy and thick to be mine. In fact, it seemed like actual parchment. When I scanned the contents of it, I was dismayed to find that it started with my name and ended with hers. This could not be good.

Dear Jer-Bear,

I'm sorry. I'm sorry for invading your home, watching you kiss your iffy girlfriend, then turn around and kiss you. I shouldn't have done that.

But most of all I'm sorry for leaving.

I know that the way things turned out might have made you thought I would still be around to make sure things go down like they should. But I can't be. I've upset the balance too much already. I was raised by a witch, and like a witch, I believe that all things should go without an unknown abomination of an outside force disrupting that balance.

But because I've already done so much, I figured I can tell one more person the truth. That's right, I've been lying to you, which I'm also very sorry for.

You know I'm an Original. Damon knows that, but the way I explained things to him... it just wasn't very clear. So I'm going to write it down in the simplist way I can, and if you feel like telling Damon, go ahead. I don't know if my compulsion will keep you from telling him things that I wrote down in a letter. But anyway, I was born of Esther, the Original witch, and some pointless, local man. Niklaus was born of Esther and a man from another tribe. A werewolf tribe. My mom pretended not to show favoritism towards him for being so... powerful, but it was hard to mask. Her hatreds towards me was unmasked utterly and completely. I spent most of my time at the witch's house, a bit down the pathway, which is where I learned what I did. When I was a teenager, I ran off with a boy named Aaron. One night, I was praying for my siblings, even that wretched Rebekah. Bitch.

Little did I know my mother was casting a spell.

She was casting a spell that would create that vampires. She did this because my youngest brother was killed by werewolves, and she didn't want her children to ever be so weak again. She didn't intend to spell me. Which is why it didn't go correctly. My siblings drank the blood of a girl- your sister's ancestor- during the spell, which makes you sister the doppelganger. And now the curse. I'll get back to my epic story later.

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