Twenty Nine

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Yesterday they had decided that it would be best to go to the police station first thing in the morning, but looking at Yoongi who was sitting next to him in the back seat back made Jimin rethink that choice.

Yoongi was fidgeting with his hands uncontrolably and he had his head lowered staring at a random spot on the seat in front of him. His face looked a pale and his lower lip trembled a little.

Jimin put his hands around Yoongi's which seemed to startle the nervous boy. Jimin felt Yoongi's hands shaking. "Hey, it's okay, I'm here," Jimin said softly shooting him a thin smile.

When they arrived at the station Yoongi stopped and looked at the front door with widened eyes. Jimin wished he knew what Yoongi was thinking so he could help him, but Yoongi hadn't said a word all morning and somehow Jimin felt talking would only make things worse.

So he just laced his fingers through Yoongi's and gently pulled him through the front doors. Officer Kyung Mi was standing at the front desk when they entered the station. "Ah you are here already! I was just about to ask if you had arrived already," she said with a beaming smile.

Neither of us reacted, so after a few seconds of silence Jimin's father spoke: "Goodmorning, I apologize for my son and his boyfriend's poor manners, but I think they are a bit nervous." "That is very understandable," she replied.

The female officer looked at Jimin and Yoongi's intertwined hands and then looked at Yoongi. "I am sorry to say this, but I am going to have to separate you and your boyfriend. We need to take your statements separately," she stated apologetically.

Yoongi shot me a terrified look. "It's okay, they are going to help us Yoonie," Jimin uttered while putting his hand on Yoongi's lower back and gently pushing him towards officer Kyung Mi. "I'll be here when you're done."

Jimin and his father sat down in the waiting room, not saying a word the whole time they were waiting. After 45 minutes Jimin started to worry a bit. Did it also take so long for him to give his statement the last time? The suspense killed him.

Finally after an hour of waiting officer Seojun came into the waiting room, followed by a tiny Yoongi. His face and neck had red spots all over them, clearly showing he had been crying.

Jimin ran over to him taking his face between his hands. "Are you okay? Did everything go okay?" he asked concerned. Yoongi just nodded.

"Everything went fine. Your boyfriend's statement was very useful. I hate to break you up again but could you come with us Mr. Park so we can take your statement too?" Jimin quickly planted a kiss on Yoongi's lips before following officer Seojun to the interrogation room.

Officer Kyung Mi and Seojun asked him a couple of questions about what happened the day in the park which Jimin answered patiently. But the whole time his mind was on Yoongi, wondering what would happen the moment they left the police station. There was no going back now.

"Can I ask you something," Jimin prompted when the officers started to gather their things. "Of course," Kyung Mi answered with her always present smile. "What is going to happen now? How will you protect Yoongi?" Jimin asked nervously.

"We now have the names of all the guys that attacked you and Yoongi, so we will be arresting them and start the trial as soon as possible. We will bring Yoongi in contact with child protected services, they will make sure that he'll find a place to live where he will be safe." officer Seojun explained. "Thank you," Jimin said while he shook both their hands.

On the way back home his dad explained what was going to happen next. "Officer Kyung Mi has given me the number of someone she knows at social services who she thinks can really help you Yoongi." Yoongi just nodded while he clenched his hands.

Once they got home Yoongi immediately disappeared to his room, saying he needed to be alone for a while. After lunch he still hadn't come out, so Jimin decided to go check on him.

He softly knocked on the door, but after hearing no answer he just entered. He saw Yoongi laying in bed, curled up into a ball. Jimin hestitated a little before climbing in bed next to Yoongi.

He layed down behind him and put his hand around his waist, positioning himself so there was no space left between them. He could feel Yoongi shake beneath his touch.

Jimin softly kissed the back of Yoongi's neck. "Whatever happens next, just know that you are never going to lose me," Jimin whispered into Yoongi's hair. Yoongi didn't respond, but that was okay. Jimin could feel Yoongi calm down. He had stopped shaking and eased into Jimin's embrace.

They layed there in silence until his mother knocked on the door. "Yoongi? The woman from social services is here to see you." Jimin could immediately feel the other boy tense up. "Do you want me to sit with you?" Jimin asked.

"N-no, I need to do this alone," he responded. He turned around so that they now faced each other. Yoongi gently pressed his lips on Jimin's and pulled back as quickly as he had kissed him. "I love you Jimin, no one has ever been there for me like you have," he murmered into Jimin's mouth.

"I love you too Yoonie," he whispered back staring into Yoongi's loving eyes. He wished they could stay in bed a little longer. Stay in their perfect little bubble where there were no Shin-Cho or Hyung-Woo.

While he was laying next to Yoongi staring into his eyes, Jimin knew it was not going to be easy. They were gonna have to fight for what they had, every single day. But Jimin would do anything for this boy, because he saved him. And when he looked into Yoongi's eyes he knew. He knew that Yoongi was feeling the same way.

Jimin went out with his mother to the store so Yoongi and his dad could talk to the woman from social services alone. Jimin's mother had given him the job to push around the cart while she worked through her list of groceries.

He was physically there in the grocery store with his mother, but his mind was at home with Yoongi. He absently followed his mother around, even sometimes losing her in the crowd of busy housewifes and their children.

After two hours they finally got home and found Yoongi and his dad sitting at the diner table talking about the different papers that were spread out across it. Jimin sat down next to Yoongi and grabbed his hand. "How did it go?"

Yoongi smiled at him. "The woman was really nice. She came with a lot of suggestions on how to help me." Jimin looked into Yoongi's eyes and saw how they had calmed down since he left earlier. But somehow Jimin felt like there was a catch.

"Your dad and I talked over all the different options," Yoongi paused before continueing. What he said next made Jimin's world collaps. He could hear himself yell: "No, no! You can't leave me!" when Yoongi explained how he had to move to another town.

"Jimin, I have no other choice and you know it. Hyung-Woo isn't going to stop until he finds me, and staying here would make that a whole lot easier for him." Jimin felt like Yoongi's words were crashing into him like waves. This couldn't be happening.

Tears shot into his eyes and he pulled back his hands which Yoongi had been holding thightly. "No, no, please Yoongi," Jimin felt the tears starting to roll down his cheeks.

"I'll come back. I will," Yoongi's voice started to tremble. "I need to make sure that he is behind bars first Jimin. I am going to press charges against him for child abuse. Your dad has agreed to help me," Yoongi explained further.

"Please understand, Jiminie. I will come back to you, but I need to do this first. I need to get rid of my demons, you know I do. I can't be a good boyfriend to you before I do," Yoongi said his voice shaking, tears streaming down his face.

Jimin knew he was right. He hated that he was right. He pressed his forehead against Yoongi's and whispered: "I will miss you. Please come back to me soon."


AHHHHH! I can't believe this is it for this story. But don't cry, swipe to the next chapter for a happy suprise!

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