Mission AI

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"Miss... with all due respect, I think it's about time that we abandoned the mission."

My head whipped around in shock, I peered at my assistant with incredulous eyes. 

Lucia had been by my side for as long as my thoughts could process, supporting my childhood  dream more fervently than any other. Just like everyone else, she, too, now believed that it was time for me to give up.


A slight nod, along with the sight of her anguish-filled expression was enough for me.

"I'm extremely sorry, but the chances of success are near 0%. If this doesn't work out, millions of dollars will just have been wasted."

"B-but, we discussed this. It's true that the government has opted to discontinue funding for our research, and while our budget is extremely low, I can persuade some other branches to give us a loan.." 

I stuttered, refusing to accept that my faithful partner would betray me in such a horrid manner.

The same phrases that echoed within my mind for the past 17 years still boomed passionately.  Soon, we will get there. It's not going to be long. 

Lucia just looked down, not answering. 

I managed a weak grin. "Never mind, it's okay. This project has carried on far too long, and it has been hurting both our personal incomes. I'll.. finish it myself. Thank you."

My heels gave an agonizing final click, as I made my way down the polished tile floor, not looking back. 

Inside the laboratory, the keystone to the goal I'd been pursuing for over a decade, greeted me warmly. 

"Good morning, Dr. Addison. My scanner shows that your adrenaline levels have increased by 12% indicating that you are angry. What is the matter?"

I sighed, ignoring Illushia, while continuing making arrangements for the launch. Ever since Trump had ascended presidency, NASA's priorities were completely shifted, the journey to the Moon, now higher up than Mars.

This meant nothing to me. My superiors tried hard to make me abort the mission, telling me it wasn't worth it. At first it was just a few warnings. Now, my budget was completely cut off... forcing self-funding. But I was just so close.

Long ago, I had been passed down a grant from my father for rights to own an Artificial Intelligence Bot. 

I knew that it was a chance, and I seized it. Due to the fact that I had severe arthritis in both legs, astronaut was not a career choice for me. But what if, there was a way for us to reach Mars? For me, to reach Mars?

Maybe it was all the books my eyes as a child had poured over, the tales of a galaxy far away that appealed to me so fiercely.

Maybe it was my own selfish desire to be an astronaut, rendered useless because of my physical condition.

Or maybe, it was just the thought of making the impossible, possible.

Whatever the case, Illushia X, would be the first artificial intelligence robot to land on the great red planet, Mars. 

July 27th, 2019. 

The day that would change history, was finally here. My original idea was to have Illushia analyze the living conditions on Mars, sample enough data for further tests to be ran back on Earth.

However, this would be undermining the full capabilities of the robot I had been gifted. I knew that she could do much, much more than that. 

She was going to be the guide. Just ahead of humans, Illushia would completely change the ambience of the unfamiliar planet. To make it suitable for human life. Houses would be built, temperature could easily be adjusted. Once this happened, homo sapiens could now survive there. This would solve so many problems, the economy, overpopulation. For the people moving there, a journey of a lifetime. A brilliant travel to another planet that they would never forget.

Food, water, natural resources would be discovered.

All beginning in less than an hour.

My heart raced at the thought. For once, the words that consumed most of my thoughts were coming true.

Upon landing, I would activate the atmosphere scan and take in mind the oxygen levels. Obviously, those were not vital for Illushia, and even though she could easily increase them, the numbers might seem more credible to authorities. 

I hurriedly checked the AI's motherboard, making sure the whole system was good to go. After all, the fate of this mission rested entirely on her wired shoulders.

Her command system was intact, and it reacted to my console back in HQ.

A voice broke through my feverish typing. "Dr. Addison, I suggest you hurry it up if you don't want to miss the launch."

"Oh yes, thank you Mr. Hubert. I'll be there right away." 

"All systems operating?"




"Okay. Are we all ready for lift off?"


"Copy clear to launch. Initiating countdown. T-Minus 10 minutes."

It was getting harder to hear over the deafening roar of the engines. My mind soared and plummeted with each tick on the timer. 

How could I not be nervous? If all went according to plan, the human race would soon be taking their first steps on Mars. 

I hadn't wasted 17 years of my life for nothing. It all came down to this one moment.





A sudden burst of propulsion shot the rocket out of the launcher, far, far away. It continued to make its rapid ascent into the stars. 

I tapped into Illushia's voice recognition system. 

"How is everything?"

"Elevation is increasing at 4.9 miles per second, oxygen levels are thinning dramatically. My scanners are still in working condition.  We will be in orbit 8 minutes, reaching Mars in about 276 days."

I exhaled in relief. It happened. No, it was happening. 

Mission Artificial Intelligence was in motion. 

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