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In this book, I am going to update a chapter weekly on how much I lost, how much I worked out, what I ate and so on.

Along the way, I would love it you gave me love and support to keep going.

I would love it even more, though, if you came on this journey with me.

Send me messages, leave comments and let me know where you are in your weight loss journey.

Now, you are probably thinking why I decided to do this on wattpad.

Well, A) there are a lot of people on wattpad that are willing to lose a couple extra pounds with me.
B) it is an easy way to message people and support people without getting too tangled up in social media, while on your journey.
C) cause it's fun to have your own book on your weight loss journey and your personal life.

Does that answer your question? Yes? Moving along...

So I start my journey today and at this moment I weight 170 lbs (77.111 kg/ 12.133 stones).

Yes that is a lot. I am not going to enter my age, though because I don't think that is necessary, but I will say that I am big boned and 5'1 & 3/4 feet (approximately 157 cm)

It is now summer break away from school and I am hoping to lose all my extra weight before the winter.

I am hoping to weigh 120 lbs, which is me losing 50 pounds in 3-4 months.

I know it's possible and so I am determined to achieve my goal and kick ass.

I am going to be working out almost everyday and "dieting" which consists of me eating very few carbs (and good carbs at that) and no fast food, no junk food, and no soft drinks or juices that aren't organic or non GMO.

Please, please, please do this with me. It would motivate me so much if knew someone was going along with me and we can support each other.

How amazing would that be? I know that it would personally keep me motivated.

Today sucks so bad because I need to work out and diet but all I want to do is sleep and eat chocolate, considering I am on my period and this one has mega cramps.

But beauty is pain. What can I say?...

I am going to update once a week on what I look like and how much I lost and so forth.

Do this with me and we can have so much fun together.

To make life a little more interesting I am going to put an inspirational quote and a joke for every update as well as a song that I like to work out to in my Spotify playlist.

At the end of this book, I am hoping to reach my goals and then I am going to put a before and after pictures of when I started and that day that I finished.

Now before I wrap this up I want you guys to tell me your hobbies and your hidden talents.

I love singing, drawing, baking, swimming, sleeping, eating, watching TV, playing video games, paint balling, laser tag, soccer, riding my bike, visiting family and so on.

Let me know your talents and hobbies in the comments and I will post another "chapter" before my workout.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2018 ⏰

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