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chase after Jisung but he's too fast.

"Yah! Don't you think you're too fast with that skateboard!?" I shouted but I only heard him laugh.

I gave up and lie down beside Renjun that's laying on the grass, looking at the sky.

"Wah.. Han River is so nice." I said then he chuckled.

"You say that every time we come here." Renjun said then I laughed.

It's been one year since I was discharged from the hospital.

It's also been one year since Jihoon decided to donate his heart for me.

I'm really thankful for him. I looked at the sky and immediately thought of him.

"Hyung, should we talk to Jihoon?" I asked then he chuckled.

"Sure.. Jihoon ah!" He shouted then I laughed.

"Thanks for saving Chenle and making my sister cry too much!" He said then I laughed harder.

"Won't that sound rude?" I said but he only shake his head.

"Jihoon really likes it when we say these stuff.

It makes him laugh but he knows what we really mean." He sighed before smiling.

"Jihoon Hyung! I want to meet you but you're in the clouds!

You're somewhere very far from us! It's not fair cause when we meet, I'll be over 50 years old!

But I'm very thankful! Thank you for everything!" I finished then Renjun ruffled my hair.

"I think you should visit Ming now." He said then I sighed.

"She still needs some alone time with him." I said then he smirked.

"Such a nice boyfriend. I approve." He winked before giving me a thumbs up.

I laughed and smack his shoulder.

"You and Ming have been dating for... six months?

I expect gifts for her on her birthday." He said then I laughed again.

"Of course, I'll give her gifts!" I said then he laughed.

I went up the hill and saw Ming, sitting on the grass.

In front of Jihoon's grave...

"Jihoon-ah.. I hope you're doing well." She said then I sit beside her.

She looked at me then smiled. She leaned her head on my shoulder.

"Thank you, for everything." She said as she held my hand.

"Jagiya.. let's go. The boys are waiting." I said then she nodded.

I help her stand up and we walk to the boys.

"Guys, let's take a picture!" She said then we all posed as she took a picture of us.

Then a selca of everyone.

She looked at me before kissing me.

"I love you, Chenle.."

"I love you too, Princess."


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