3. Ugh

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Me, Amy and Rosa were going over our paperwork when I saw Captain waiting by Jake's desk. I glance at the time 8:03am and I assume Jake was going to be I trouble. In the corner of my eye I saw my best friend enter, as Captain scolded him.

"Everyone? Gather round, so I can call out Peralta in front of you." We walk over as I look at him apologetically.

"Okay, fine. I was three minutes late! I'm sorry for doing one thing wrong."

Captain began listing off things he has done wrong. I felt sorry, but I lean back in disgust as Captain Holt held up a rat.

"Algernon!" Jake pets the rat as it ran on his arm. I sit on Boyle's desk, I do not like rats, at all.

After Captain left, Jake walked towards me. "Nu-uh! Get that thing away from me." I commented as I raised my hands.

"Come on Scar!"

He tried getting closer as I hope off walking off, "No! Get that rat away!" I sit in Rosa's chair away from my desk, as Jake tries to come towards me.

Without looking at him but at case files, I raise my finger. "Don't. Even think. About. It." He sighs.

I see he walks away, I sigh in relief. I go up to grab some coffee, pouring it I see Jake trying to sneak up on me. "You get that rat within 5 feet of me, I will stab you." I finished my drink as I take it to my desk.

It's been at least an hour as I was typing in my reports. I see Jake coming behind me, still looking at my computer I use one hand to dig in my back pocket. I see Jake close, still looking at my computer I open the knife and stab into my desk.

"Oh! Okay. I'll go . . ." I smirk looking at him and his disgusting rat as they walk away.

"Really?" Amy asked as I nod. "Would you have that germy, unclean thing coming near you and the rat?" She laughs and nods, as I do too.


"Why we're you late anyway?" I ask as I glance at him. "Plumbing issues . . . speaking of which, do you have a phone I could borrow?" I quirk a brow. As I thought about me calling him this morning.

"Did you throw your phone in the toilet . . . As I was calling you?" I questioned as he began stuttering. I chuckle as I go back to my work.


We sat in briefing as Sargent checks the status of our cases. Jake was currently on his case: Tagging on cop cars of dicks. When Terry suggested taking his minivan, we all laugh.

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