Chapter 2

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Jacob was running like his life depended on it but it just wasn't fast enough. By this time the sun was coming out and all Jacob wanted to do was get to his bed so he phased and made it to the reservation in record time. When he got there his his head was bombarded with a voice that he couldn't deal with right now. "Hey Jake where is the fire" Seth said in his always playful and happy tone. "Not now Seth, I just need to get to my bed." Jacob tried to stay calm and not let his memories of what had just happened leak out but with Seth's constant questioning he accidentally let his guard down. Seth was hit with everything that had transpired in the woods between the two. He paused and silently whispered "Jake." And before Jacob could her anything else he phased to his human form and stormed into his house up to his room and into his bed. He must have slept for hours because when he woke up it was night again. He couldn't believe that no one woke him up to run his shift. He quickly got out of bed and pulled on some cutoffs and a shirt and headed for downstairs. He was met with the entire pack sitting in his living room. The tension was heavy and the packs faces weren't much better. He was about to ask why everybody was here when his father rolled into the rom from the kitchen " I was just about to send Jared upstairs to wake you." His father said with an forced smile. "Why is everyone here?" he said not really aiming the question at one person. Sam shifted uncomfortably and cleared his throat." Um...well.....we are here to ask you a couple  questions.


Edward just laid there confused and unresponsive. He tried moving but nothing happened. He didn't know how long he was there but by the time he came to his senses Jasper was picking him up and carrying him somewhere. He was still completely out of hit but he did hear a conversation going on. "What's wrong with him Jaspar?" he could hear Alice ask desperately. "I don't know Alice im getting so many conflicting emotions coming off of him, I can't get a concrete read on any of them." Jasper said trying to stay calm." let's just get him to Carlisle he will know what to do. The two vampires spread home and their father was there waiting for them. He took a look at Edwards petrified state and told his son to carry him down to the basement that held his makeshift lab.  "Edward can you hear me?" Carlisle said in a calming voice. Edward did not respond. Carlisle tried everything that he could and still no response from Edward. He was starting to lose hope in helping his son when Rosalie walked into the room. She didn't say a word as she walked  up to the bed Edward was laying on. She looked down at him with saddened eyes. She was upset at him for moping around behind that stupid girl but it still pained her to see her brother in this situation. Then she had an idea. She placed her hand over Edwards heart and used her gift of electricity on him. Carlisle  quickly turned away not wanting to see his son be electrified. But he allowed Rosalie to do it because they were running out of options. She was at it for twintie minutes until Edward finally let out a large whale of pain. Everyone in the house could hear it. They all rushed into the lab to see what had happened and when they got there they saw a site that made them let out a collective sigh of relief.

Jacob stood there frozen in fear, all he wanted to do was run away and hide forever. But the clearing of Sam's through brought him back to the moment. " Jacob did you imprint on Edward." Sam asked hesitantly already knowing the answer. Jacob's heart constricted at the name. All he could get out was "what?" And paul having enough of Jacob's oblivious act butted in "Did you imprint on that leech." Before Jacob could think he let out a growl towards Paul. The growl shocked everyone in the room then Paul burst into an uncontrollable laughter." Its true. He's in love with that filthy blood sucker. He's probably thinking of him right now. You want him don't you?" "That's enough Paul!" Sam yelled. Paul continued " You want to feel his cold undead flesh against yours don't you. Your in love with that disgusting corpse." And again before Jacob could realise what he's done he had phased and leaped across the room and latched his jaws around pauls left leg. He tried to stop but his wolf wouldn't let him. "Stop please." Jacob pleased with his wolf. "No this worthless trash is insulting our mate. He will die for it." Jacobs wolf hissed to him. Before anything could get any worse sam shifted also and ordered Jacob to stop. Jacob's wolf fought the order from its alpha with all it had but eventually it broke down and stopped, allowing Jacob to phase back. Jacob was mortified as the looks of his pack said what they were all thinking. They were all either disgusted or terrified and it was too much for Jacob so he ran upstairs and slammed the door behind him. He went to the mirror and just stared at himself. "What am I going to do?"


Edward finally convinced his family that he was ok. They all wanted an explanation but did not force it when Edward decided not to give one. They trusted him to come to them when he was ready. But the truth was Edward still couldn't explain what had happened. And he couldn't shake this feeling of being empty off of him. He just laid there with his eyes closed for hours until Alice burst in. She ran to him and started searching his body for any sign of bruising are scars or anything that could explain why she couldn't see her brother's future anymore. " Alice what is wrong with you?" " I can't see your future anymore Ed, its just blank. Edward shuddered at his sisters words." " What do you mean you cant see my future?" "I mean you just vanish." Alice pauses and stares at Edward for about 30 seconds until he got uncomfortable. "What"he said looking everywhere but his sisters eyes. "What happened to you last night?" She asked sitting next to him. Edwards body  tensed. He got off the bed and walked to the window. He let out a big sigh that he didn't know he was holding in and then he started to tell Alice everything about last night. She just sat there with a shocked look on her face. Edward tried to read her mind but it was too jumbled with conflicting images. "Well say something" Edward pleaded. "We have to go to Carlisle, this is too big to keep from him. "Ok" Edward said defeatedly. Carlisle was surprised to see his children walk into his study. He was so wrapped up in his book that he didn't hear them coming.  "What can I do for you my children?" Carlisle said placing his book back on the shelf. So Edward unloaded everything onto his father as fast as he could. And the response that he got shocked him to his core. Carlisle just smiled at his son. Edward started to get uncomfortable once again and his Carlisle picked up on it so he told Edward and Alice to have a seat. " I think I know exactly what is going on here." Carlisle said. "Please explain it to me then because I feel like im going insain." Edward all but begged. "No" Carlisle said simply. "No?" Edward asked shocked at his father's answer. "No. If what I think is happening i happening then it is not my place to tell you. Im sorry son." Edward's frustration and anger started bubbling over at his father's words. " But I can arrange a meeting with who can tell you." Trying to calm his son he spoke softly. Then pulled out his phone and dialed a number that he thought he would never have to use.  "Hello" A deep voice said. " Hello Billy we need to meet. There is something I feel we should discuss. " We will meet you at the border in 20 mins. Bring your entire coven I feel you all should be present for this" Billy said then hung up.


Everyone in the room heard the conversation and they were all having mixed feelings about the meeting. "Jake get down here we are going to a meeting" Billy yelled. Jacob came down the stairs avoiding looking into the eyes of his pack mates. "Who are we meeting" Jacob asked. "The cullens." Answered Billy. Jacobs heart seemed to stop at the prospect of seeing his imprint. He almost let a smile slip but his head told him that he had nothing to be happy about. Let's go everyone phase except Jacob."Sam ordered. " Why cant I phase?"Jacob asked annoyed at his Alpha. " Because your wolf can't be trusted around your imprint at this time." " You might try to rape him in front of all of us" Paul said over his shoulder right before he phased. The walk to the border was a quiet one until the sickening sweet smell from the vampires started attacking the wolves noses. Sam ordered them all to stop complaining and to hurry up. The cullens were at the border waiting. As the wolves came into view Edward caught a few of their angry remarks about their smell. He blocked out their dumb comments until he heard something that made him pause. He heard a stray thought from the group that said "I wish I could swim in those golden eyes" He scanned the group looking for the source of the thought when he locked eyes with Jacob. It felt like they were looking at each other for centuries when he heard Billy cleared his throat loudly he was snapped back into the situation. " Hello Billy" Carlisle greeted.

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