Chapter one

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All I could hear was the sounds of me pleading for them to Stop, pleading for this to all end. I was kicking and screaming until I felt a sharp pain in my leg. They had just freaking injected me with some kind of liquid. I knew what these evil people were gonna do with me, but I couldn't stop them. My body felt numb and my eyelids started to get heavy. The last thing I remember was the sound of someone unbuttoning their pants and there belt falling to the ground.

I suddenly woke up breathing heavily, covered in sweat. The memory haunting me every time I close my eyes leaving me in a state of terror never letting me get any sleep. I looked at my tattered watch on my pale arm. It was four in the morning and there was no way I was gonna be able to fall back to sleep. I stood up from my pile of blankets on the floor that was my bed and put on a pair of ratty jeans. I then slipped on a somewhat clean shirt, a random Jumper, and grabbed my bag containing the very few things I owned. I owned nothing valuble, nothing besides my guitar that I kept beside me the whole time. It was my mum's and the only thing I had left of hers. The thing is I was so young when she passed I don't really remember her. The few things I do know is what she used to look like from an old picture of her holding me in the hospital when I was born and a few home videos of her singing me to sleep. These things of hers were the only things they were able to rescue from the fire.

After making sure I had everything I quietly tiptoed down the stairs and out the door making sure not to make any sounds. I didn't want to stay there any longer then I had to. The thing is I have been in the foster care system since I was five due to my mom dying in a house fire when I was four and my dad being a drunk probably dead in a ditch somewhere. Each new home I go to never last long because they either get busted for something illegal or they just don't want me. This has taught me to trust no one and to never tell anyone anything about me 'cause it always ends wrong. The people at each home normally don't care what happens to me as long as I am there so they can collect their money from the government.

         At this point, I have been walking now for ten minutes. It is fairly chilly out and I can see the leaves are starting to change from a lush green to bright oranges and reds. I found myself wondering about a park. It is quiet and there's no one there at this hour. The only sounds you can hear are the songs of the birds in the trees getting ready to fly south and the quacks of the little ducklings swimming after there mother in the big duck pound. I sat down under a big tree getting my guitar out trying to distract myself from everything happening around me. I started strumming a few chords as I thought of lyrics in my head. Music is the only way I don't burst out in tears or in a panic attack. It keeps my depression and self-harm at a down low, so they don't end up putting me in a mental hospital. This world really has screwed me up.

          I guess I am one of the most predictable people 'cause a few hours later I wasn't alone in the park anymore and was being hauled off to school by a police officer. when we arrived up to the gates of hell we were greeted by my caseworker who didn't look too happy with me as usual.

         "come on Andrew we don't got all day," she said handing me my school uniform.

         Luckily I only had to get through this year and I could go follow my dreams of being a musician alone without anyone telling me what to do or hurting me. but my thoughts were interrupted when the bell rang signifying it was time to switch classes. I was being pushed into a classroom to learn useless information that I will never need for the future. and I have Spanish right now if I am correct. I eventually took my usual seat in the back like the useless piece of shit I am and buried my head in the sleeves of my jumper. I hadn't realized class had started till I heard my name being called by a male voice I did not recognize.

          "Mr. Fowler... mR. FoWlEr" he said trying to get my attention which made me jump.

All eyes were on me and I didn't like it one bit. I could hear a few people whisper some remark to the person next to them. My leg started to shake as I looked at the room at the The faces judging me. But I couldn't muster one word to say.

"I am Señor Baeumont your new Spanish teacher and I would like to see you after class," he said looking directly at me, but all I did was nod my head.

He then brought the attention back to the front of the room and away from me and my panicking self. I sighed as everyone turned around to face the board where Señor Baeumont was standing. I scanned the room noticing all the girl watching his ever move like a hawk.

" as I was saying class regla número uno solo estaremos hablando español en esta sala..." that's all I heard him say before my brain tuned out what he was saying, but I couldn't keep my eyes off of him though. What's is the matter with me.

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