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2 years later

It has been 2 years since I joined the military army with Jones next to me.l am surprise that I was able to keep up with these teenagers.some ran away, got sent away and some even died.but there was times where i couldn't hold back when I was fighting.like I would use my full force.luckily the people I sparred with didn't get hurt nor did I kill anyone.I sparred almost everyone expect the trio gang.I know mikasa can handle but she is younger but damn she knows how to use her fists!Armin I know he isn't a strong person in physical but at least mentally he is strong.eren, I just feel stupid.it has been 2 years and I can't talk to him.I always gets the feeling he doesn't remember me.it's not his fault tho, I left him at a young age for whatever reasom.but i hope that eren and his family is safe.


I got my gear on and filled my air tanks.my heart pounded as I got a uneasy feeling inside.I stood still as others rushed to get ready.I couldn't move, I was too freaked out.then I realized I was going to have a 'memory attack' (in here it is when y/n is going to remember something, and it isn't always a happy memory since she lost all her memories around the age 15 but remember  about eren and his friends.)


"Mama!papa!" I screamed as a male held me down.

a blindfold went over my eyes as 2 screams of my parents echoed the whole house saying "leave us alone!" Over and over again.

"bastards" I whispered as tears fell down my cheeks.hearing a chuckle then a gun sound, my parents stopped screaming.the blindfold shielded my eyes from the horror but my ears heard it all.hearing footsteps coming closer towards me 

" boss what do we do with the girl?" The male who was holding me says.

"This girl was made by my 2 best soilders, we are going to keep her" a hand landed on my head.the voice was familiar but I didn't recognize it." Hey y/n would u like to come with uncle ----?" My eyes widen under the blindfold

I was silent until I heard something dragging across the floor."boss, do u want both bodies?" 

"Sure, we'll burn them" ---- says.why is this man, who is very close to my parents who is basically my uncle, killed them and going to burn them?!

"BASTARD!U SON OF A BITCH-!"I screamed before getting slapped on the face.

I froze " little girls don't say foul words" he whispered in my ear.I clench my teeth, is this why I haven't seen ----- over 5 years?.

" I AM NOT A LITTLE GIRL!" I screamed as i riped off myself off the male holding me.power went over me as I riped my blindfold off.by the time my power ended, blood splattered everywhere and only one body, but the one i wanted dead wasn't dead.


"Y/N!Y/N SNAP OUT OF IT" I gasp as I fell backwards but I never made contact with the ground.I panted as I looked around my surrounding.my vision slowly cleared up as I found myself staring at Jones.tears fell from my eyes as I tightly wrapped my arms around him.it didn't take long after I felt warmth around me." Shh its ok."

I stared at him, his face only showed fear and I knew he would try to hide it so I wouldn't think anything bad." Its ok, we will meet up afterwards" he smiled.

I slowly nodded my head." Under the tree where you gave me the small box? you keep reminding me to never open unless you told me to?" I ask as he nodded his head 

" but if we get into survey corps then we will met up on the top of the tower on the edge".I smiled 

" alright, but don't die or I will hate you in the after life,got it!" I pointed at him, he only smiled.i hugged him before going to the upper ground to see what squad I was in

Why did I stop getting close with others?

I was in the front squad while Jones was placed in the rear guard.I stood on the roof admiring the blue sky

'Who is this ----?what does he look like?did he really kill my parents?I was awoken when I heard the words "let's go!" By eren and the following " yeah!" By the group I was in.I ran after them and jumped high I the air.I wanted to put my hand in the air to reach for the sun but today, not a good time.

I ran towards the titans with the wires and air helping me I felt so free.but I was interrupted again when eren yelled " abnormal, watch out!" I dodge the titan but sadly thomas was the meal for the titan.I watched as the titan ate the man, it only angered me to kill it but also worried me about Jones.

next thing I know eren starts chasing after the titan making the rest of us chase after him.the speed he was going, he was going to run out of air.the suddenly he wasn't in the air anymore.my heart raced as I thought of scenarios that happened.I promised eren's mom I would protect him.even if the promise was years ago, I still kept it and I wasn't going to break it now

Oh wait

I flew across the sky trying to find eren in fear.one by one everyone got eaten.I might have not know these people well but I knew they had high hopes for their future.I knew they wanted to see what was outside the walls, but now they can't. 

I clench my teeth as I flew faster with my grip tight on the handles of my weapons, that I was going to use to kill as these titans.my eyes widen as I found him.quickly I flew to the titan was going to eat eren with Armin holding eren by his arm.

"hold on eren!" I yelled as I grabbed his arm and slowly grabbed his shoulder to pull him out.he didn't say anything, he only stared at me." Dont worry I'll get you out of here" I felt Armin grab my leg.because I didn't notice I was slowly sliding inside the mouth.suddenly pain was in my legs as the titan closed its mouth.I grabbed on to eren close to my chest as we fell in the stomach

Its because everyone around me dies or I lose them.i was always alone no matter how close or how many i had around me.The pain cannot be contained.It hurts too much for a simple human.But I held this pain for my whole life

And I haven't shatter, not even once

The monster the world abandoned//Levi x Titanshifter! Reader {editing}Where stories live. Discover now