First Day

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The sun shone through Donna's window and right into her face. She woke up and felt miserable. She stumbled into her little brother's room and woke him up." First day..." She rubbed her eyes." Whatever." He closed his coffin door. She slammed her fists on it again and walked out. About 20 minutes later both kids were dressed and ready for the day. They boarded the bus and waved bye to their mother." Look after your brother Donna!" Her mother said before the bus even arrived. Donna then had to remind her that she was in high school now and Lars was in middle school. On the bus, Lars refused to let Donna sit next to him. The next stop was the Loud's. Donna sat right behind her brother and watched as only three Louds entered the bus. Luan sat next to a total class clown boy. Leni sat next to a red head girl who already started talking before she sat down. Then there was Lucy. A red headed boy who sat behind Donna with his older brother shouted," Everyone run it's the princess of darkness!!" Everyone besides Donna, Lars and Lucy laughed." Hey, your the new girl, I'm Rusty." Rusty winked at Donna." And I'm not interested." Donna replied turning around after looking at the younger boy. Lucy had sat down with Lars. Donna growled angrily." You don't like Lucy? Well, that's my brother Rocky's ex girlfriend. They dated in 3rd grade." Rusty kept on talking. Donna looked at him." I'm sorry for being rude earlier, I'm Donna." She said, turning around again." Don't sweat it. Hey, what if we us older kids, hung at the middle school while we wait for our siblings and walk home and we can plan how to get back at Lucy for my little brother?" Rusty suggested as the bus pulled up to the middle school." Why not?"

         After school Rusty and Donna waited outside for Lars and Rocky. Lars had picked a flower and handed it to Lucy before running to Donna." I guess our rules mean nothing just because were in a different town?" Donna narrowed her eyes. Lars blushed a little and rubbed the back of his neck." Out of the way loser!" Rocky shoved Lucy out of the way." Hey!" Lincoln ran to his sister. After helping Lucy up, Lincoln marched over to the group." What was that for, she didn't do anything to you!" Lincoln yelled at them. Donna high fived Rocky earlier and that made Lincoln mad." He didn't mean it Lincoln!" Rusty yelled nervously." What? Yeah he did, remember Rusty, you and me were going to get back at Lucy for Rocky." Donna looked at Rusty." What!?! Rusty, you're supposed to be one of my best friends. And you!" Lincoln pointed at Donna." You have no reason to be mean towards my little sister! Your new and we tried to be nice to you, so what's your problem?!" Lincoln yelled at her. She rolled her eyes and looked him." You want to know what my problem is? I'll tell you. Every since I was younger, my parents have told me to protect my brother from people like you. My family doesn't need any more problems then it already has and can't be fixed. So excuse me for not liking you or your sisters but I have to be who I am and stay away from people like you!" Donna said pointing back at Lincoln. At this Lincoln was boiling over. What did she mean by," people like you" and why did she keep saying that? Lincoln got so mad and slapped Donna right across the face.She held her face then lunged at Lincoln landing on him and punching him in the face multiple times and he hit her back. Rusty and Lars grabbed Donna and Rocky and Lucy grabbed Lincoln." You know what Lincoln, I was actually thinking of opening up to the Loud's for my little brother, but now I know, you Louds are insane!!" Donna screamed at him." Yeah, we may be insane but at least were not control freaks!!" Lincoln screamed back." Lars, let's go." Donna said, grabbing  her little brother's hand and walking in the direction of her house.

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