And He Fell

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Again this isn't based off any one prompt, but I thought it was a good idea, so I did it. Also, @mj7194, I am writing your request, be patient (you little prick).

I sat the little ones in a half circle on the floor, with me connecting it. Their adorable little faces with eyes full of hope stared back at me expectingly.
"Do you know why I brought you guys here?" I asked patiently. A little blond haired, green eyed boy named Oliver spoke up excitedly,
"You said you were going to tell us a story!" His eyes jumped to mine, hopeful. I smiled back at him and the rest of the children,
"Yes. And do you know what story I'm going to tell you?" They looked amongst themselves, confused looks and the shaking of heads spilling in between where they sat next to each other. After a moment they all looked at me again, eyes wanting answers. "Well," I started, moving my eyes to each of them as I went, "I am going to tell you the story of an Angel named Lucifer." As soon as I said the name, they all gasped. A dark haired little girl named Isabella got my attention.
"Isn't he evil?" I laughed a little bit, mostly to myself, before answering.
"Yes, Isabella, he is. But he wasn't always like that. Do you want me to start the story?" They all nodded their heads eagerly. I smiled and began.

"Once, before Earth and animals and even before the dinosaurs," they all gasped, "there was God and his sons, the seven Archangels. These seven angels, created before all others, were named Michael, Balthazar, Zachariah, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael, and Lucifer." Each time I said the name, the children around me looked worried, and some even slid closer to the others, as if trying to protect themselves. "Now, God loved all his sons, very much, but he loved Lucifer most of all. Lucifer was God's favorite.  He loved him, more than Michael, more than Gabriel, or any of the other Angels. Then something happened. God, created the humans."

"Lucifer, Lucifer! Come here!" I heard Father calling me. I turned a corner and stood just outside his office, where he creates beauty and life under his skilled hands. I stood straight and clasped my hands over my stomach.
"Yes, Father?" He was hunched over his desk, seemingly fiddling with something, as to get it perfect.
"Lucifer come here, I need to show you something." I walked over briskly, as me nor my brothers were allowed to run in his office, lest we bump into the desk and ruin one of Father's creations.

I approached the desk and stood next to him, waiting for him to show me what he's made now. Usually he doesn't allow anyone to come into his office while he's working. When I got called over by him, I could hear my brother Michael scoff. He thinks Father favors me over my other brothers. I don't see it.

Father turned around to show me what looked like one of the apes he hade previously made, that he let Balthazar and I play with, except hairless. It was sitting in one of his big test tubes, and it looked about three inches tall. I looked at it, puzzled.
"Father, what is it?"  He handed me the vial it was in, and I put my elbows on the desk with it in front of me, so I could watch it.

It stood up, on its two legs, and put tiny hands up to the thick glass of the test tube. I watched it for a bit more, it trying to get out, before Father finally spoke up.
"You can take it out, Lucifer. They're called humans." I laid the test tube on its side, so that this human? Is that what he called it? So that the human had to sit down again. I then tilted the mouth of it downward, so that it slid into my hand. Setting it on the desk, watching to see what it would do.

It wasn't like the other things my father had created. Not like the other little animals he had mysterious brought to life. It wasn't like the fluffy cats or the patient dogs or elephants or even like the scaly snakes. It was just, odd. I did like it though. Not as cute as the cats, but this little human definitely wasn't ugly. I took the human back in my hands and watched in awe how it climbed around my palm and up my arm, almost falling off. I placed it back in my palm and sat it down, looking to my Father again.
"Can I get one of the cats and see what the human does with it?" I had closed my palm a little, to make sure the human didn't move too much. Father laughed slightly, something I hadn't seen him do in a while. I was proud I got him to smile.
"Yes, just be careful with the human, it's the only one I have right now. I'm almost done with a second one though." I nodded,
"Of course, Father," and walked over to the other side of the desk where he kept the finished animals. He always showed my brothers and I his creations before he decided what to keep though. We all made sure we liked what he brought us, even though it was hard not to like something my Father has created. He's a master.

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