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We wrap up my ankle in a bandage, so it can heal, easier. Thankfully I can still walk fine, and it's not as painful as it was earlier on.

We decide to go out for dinner, instead of ordering room service, so we dress up. Luckily we were told to bring dressy outfits, when we were told to pack a suitcase for overnight. I packed this really nice dress, that I'm excited to wear.

 I packed this really nice dress, that I'm excited to wear

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With these cute shoes.

We all change and then hop into the bus

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We all change and then hop into the bus. Once we get to the restaurant, we find our table. We have two tables, one for the adults, one for the kids. I sit next to Kenzie and Chloe. We all chat about dance and we take selfies on Snapchat. We order our food, I order a burger and fries. We play games on our phones for a while until our food arrives. We dig into our food, and it's really good.

We exit the restaurant all extremely full and just want to collapse on the ground. We get a text on our phones.

Kendall 🤩💋- Can I come over to your room? Maddie's going to Chloe and Nia's room

Aliyah 😜💞 - Of course 💋

We open the door for Kendall and she brings in her suitcase. I open my laptop and we play a bunch of online games laughing and making jokes as we do so. We make many inside jokes. I tell Kenz that I wanna tell Kendall about everything with Maddie, and she agrees. "Hey, Kendall, Maddie was the one that tripped me over,"
Really?" She asks.
"Look," Kenzie says showing her the video of Maddie tripping me.
"Oh no," She whispers.
"She was also threatening me to spread rumours and make up lies if I told anyone, or if I stole her spot at ALDC, so she sabotaged me to fail," I explain.
"Have you told someone though? Besides me and Kenz?"
"I told my mom, and when we get back home, we'll tell Melissa, Gianna and Ms Abby," I say
"Ok, good," She replies and we continue playing the games and giggling. We end up getting changed into our pjs, and getting ready for bed and then watching Netflix, until we all fall asleep. I faintly hear my mom close my laptop, and then cover us with a blanket, and then go to bed, but then I fall asleep again.

I wake up the next morning looking like a mess. I'm the only one awake in the room, since I'm such an early bird, so I decide to get dressed and ready for the day. I get changed into a grey oversized hoodie, and black leggings. I brush my teeth and do my hair, just in time for Mackenzie to wake up. "How are you already changed? It's only 6:45am!" she shrieks. I giggle.
"I'm such an early bird. Once I'm awake, I can't go back to sleep,"
"Well, I'm going back to sleep, it's early," She says yawning.
"Ok," I reply. I pull out my laptop from under the bed and do some school. I decide to do History, my least favourite subject, just to get it over and done with. I roll my eyes and begin the lesson.

Kendall wakes up and stumbles into the bathroom, going to take a shower. "Morning, Liyah," She mumbles.
"Morning!" I reply. I hear the shower start running. I get a text on our ALDC group chat.

Chlo Chlo 🤪🦄- Anyone awake?

Aliyah 😜💞- Meeee

Aliyah 😜💞- Kendall's awake too, she's in the shower

Chlo Chlo 🤪🦄- Nice

Maddie ☠️🤮- I'm awake

Chlo Chlo 🤪🦄- Does anyone know the plans for today?

Aliyah 😜💞- Nope

Chlo Chlo 🤪🦄-M'kay

Nobody texts after that, so I turn off my phone and finally finish up the History lesson. Kendall shuts off the shower as the two moms wake up. "Morning!" I say.
"When did you wake up?" Melissa asks.
"6:30" I say.
"Woah," She replies.
"She's such an early bird," My mom remarks. Kendall comes out of the shower with her hair in a towel. She's dressed in an army green hoodie and high waisted black jeans. The adults order room service. I ask for a croissant and a hot chocolate. Kendall slumps down next to me and we message the other girls.

Kendall 🤩💋- G'morning <3

Chlo Chlo 🤪🦄- Morning ♥️

Nia😎🎤- Helloooo

Maddie ☠️🤮- Who isn't awake yet?

Aliyah 😜💞- Kenzie

Nia 😎🎤- You can tell who doesn't like mornings 😂😂

Chlo Chlo🤪🦄- What time did you guys go to sleep?

Kendall 🤩💋- Around 11

Chlo Chlo🤪🦄- Wow, we slept at around 10

Maddie☠️🤮- Well, I fell asleep at 12.

At this point, Mackenzie woke up and went to take a shower.

Kenzie 🌷😘- Morning <3

Nia😎🎤- Morning Kenz

Kenzie 🌷😘 - I'm gonna go shower, cya

Chlo Chlo 🤪🦄- Oh yeah, I'm gonna go too, bye <3

Aliyah😜💞- Cya guys, our food's here

Maddie☠️🤮- Luckyyy

I shut off my laptop and phone and we grab our food and begin eating. I take a sip from my scolding hot, hot chocolate. As we're eating, the adults say that we're going shopping and we'll stop for ice cream, then we'll go home. Kendall and I high five and continue eating. Then Mackenzie comes out of the shower wearing a printed t-shirt and black leggings. We tell her the plans and then we all eat.

We finish eating and pack up our luggage. We meet everyone in the bus. We're waiting on Ms Abby and Maddie's room. I sit next to Kenzie again, and Kendall sits across from us. We talk for a while. Finally everyone else gets here and we leave. We go to the mall. We take out our wallets, excitedly.

We walk around the shops going to different clothing places. I find a cute hoodie and a nice tank top, and some cute converse shoes. We also go to a make up store and I get some lip gloss, lip stick and a new eye shadow palette. After we all buy what we want, we go to an ice cream shop. "May I please have a large mint chocolate chip and chocolate chip cookie dough please," I say and give her money. We all sit down eating our ice cream. It's so good.

Finally, we finish up at the shops just before lunch time. We get back on the bus, and stop by a taco bell for lunch. The moms go outside and we wait in the bus. I've given my order. This time, I'm sitting next to Kendall and Mackenzie is sitting across from us. We laugh and eat. When we finish eating, I tell them I'm going to do some school, and they end up doing school too.

Before we know it, we're back home. We pack up and exit the bus. We all stumble into the studio looking exhausted. Thankfully there are no classes, and we don't need to do any classes; but I do need to talk to Melissa, Gianna and Ms Abby, I stay close to Mackenzie and Kendall and we wait for my mom on a bench. I start to get really nervous. Here goes nothing.

A/N Ok, the next chapter will be the last. I hope you've been enjoying!

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