The argument

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Hermoine's POV:

"Hermione... I-" I wasn't going to let him finish I wanted to Kiss him and I did... I Kissed him like I never had before... and the only thing that mattered was that he was kissing back and that somewhere, somehow... my couch was mending itself and the hole from Ron... was being filled...



"I fucking love you!"


Did Draco just tell me he loved me?!?!

"Hermione? You OK?"

I nodded dumbfounded my childhood crush just told me he fucking loved me!! I was more than OK!! I was perfect!!

"I love you too!" I kissed his jaw... boy did he have a chizzled jaw... I swear that his jaw could cut something in half.

Draco? Can I ask you something?" I was nevouse of what his answer was going to be... Has he liked me since he first saw me like I did him... or did he just start to like me...

"Sure... Anything..."

I was blushing and he saw... "Hermione? Whats this question about?"

"You liking me..." I was begining to regret thinking about asking the question...

"About how long?" He grabbed my chin and looked me in the eyes... I nodded... 

"Love... I've liked you since I first saw you... I knew your blood wouldn't matter to me... Like I said before... I love you... and I always will..."

He was so sweet... I knew he meant it all and was happy to have him by my side...


Draco's POV:

Sh*t!!! I wanted to tell Hermione about Pansy and how I had told her what I said to Pansy and how she had said that she was going to get me back for it... I told her that I loved Hermoine and she took it like Hell...

"Dracy? What are you saying you love her!!!!??? You love ME!!! We are dating right?"

I looked at Hermione she was starting to cry and I wanted to comfort her... but as I was trying to she ran off crying... I turned to Pansy fuming... if I was a train, steam would be coming from my ears...

"What the Hell? Pansy, I broke up with you 3 years ago!!! 3!" I shoved 3 fingers in her face to show I meant buissness... She had no right to tell me that loved her when I didn't I loved Hermione, and I'd told her... and she told me she loved me...

"You know what!!!! F*ck you, Pansy!"

"Well... F*ck you, too! I was just trying to point out the obvious!!! You still love me!!!"

I was getting angrier by the second... I swung my hand across Pansy's face... something I had been wanting to do since our third year... Boy did that feel good!!

"What the Hell?!?! Draco!!!" she spit in my face and I wiped it from my eye like it was nothing... I got face-to-face to Pansy... "I have NEVER loved you and I NEVER will!" I ran after Hermione knowing where she was and what I was going to do... I just needed Hermione back in my arms and I needed to tell her what I had told Pansy adn why she said what she did... I didn't know if she was even going to listen, let alone look at me, but I needed to let her know what I told her was how I felt and would always feel... I loved her... and always would...

Yes!! a new story that I was able to do within a day! I love you all and hope you liked this story!!

Question time!!

What is your favorite movie?

Mine are: Love, Simon, and Alex Strangelove.

Slythendor_prinsses_1 out!!!

🦁❤🐍❤🦁❤🐍❤🦁❤🐍❤🦁 Slythendor 4 life🐍❤🦁❤🐍❤🦁❤🐍❤🦁❤🐍

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