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   Caroline had been in the bathroom for what seemed like hours. First to shower. Then just standing under the water waiting for some sort of answer to her problems. Then getting dresses and sitting on the counter waiting for some sort of answer to her problem.

Apparently the bathroom gods could care less about her and her internal problems. Why did she have to do this! The whole point of coming to New Orleans was to get away from all of it, yet suddenly she right smack in the middle. Mikaelsons drama. Mystic falls gang drama. Elena drama.

Of course she couldn't blame Elena, all she wanted was a happy life and her friends protected. She wanted to be with Damon, she wanted to be human and a couple crazy heretics and mama salvatore ruined that for her. Caroline wept for days when her best friend slept.

Though she knew it took more of a toll on the salvatores, especially Damon. Which is why she is doing this, not just for Elena but for Damon. To get back his love and his redemption.

Finally walking out the bathroom she hears the click of her combat boots and goes over to grab her phone checking the time.


Day is almost over. She could hear the chit chat of Klaus and freya downstairs. Something about a guy named Marcel, she really wasn't paying attention because of the beads of sweat gathering on her forehead.

Maybe she can just peak in the room with all the little special grimiore's and just take one book, there all busy with their...stuff. Nobody will even notice, well maybe the blonde witch bitch.

Caroline slowly opened the door peaking her head out, this suddenly became a cartoon, she stepped out still listening downstairs which now included hayley and Elijah. In the other ear she could hear Hope sleeping peacfully in Klaus's bedroom. Cute.

  Vamping to one of the studies and looked at all the books. None of them looked like Bonnie's book. Do these things look different! Of all the days she needed Bonnie to do that 'pick a book' thing, today was the day. Caroline looked around feeling around the tables, and came to a stop at the chess board.

Elijah would have most likely hid the grimiore, but knowing klaus he hid it again right after. Also knowing Klaus he would put it back in Elijah's spot, to throw people off and make a point that he knows where everything is. She rolled her eyes crouching down feeling her way under the chess table.

Finding a latch she pulled it smiling doing a little victory dance in her head as she grabbed the dusty book in her hands. This is it! She gives it to Damon. They free Elena. Then Caroline brings it back! No one knows, problem solved.

Was she being shady in not telling Klaus directly. Yes. Did she feel bad. Yes. Was she putting the book back. Hell no. God Elena you owe me a round of shots. Getting back up with the book in her grasp she twirled around freezing in place. Eyes twinkled with danger in her direction to the point Caroline was afraid to move.

Abort mission


Abort mission

His eyes glazed over her expression then the book then back up to her eyes.

"Ok before you-"

The wind got knocked out of her as she was now pinned to the wall with a tight hand around her throat and another roughly grasping her hip with his nails. She whimpered, the book had fallen on the floor and she looked up at his rage fuelled eyes.

"So tell me was this the plan. Dig your way into my home, get cozy with my daughter, all while you figure out where my mothers grimiore is, to what? Get revenge on my family or maybe stop one of your petty challenges in Mystic falls. Now I see why you lied about your conversation with the older salvatore" he gripped her harder at his words and tears welled up in Caroline's eyes trying to rasp out the words.

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