Chapter 1: The boy who sees yokai

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Hello everyone, i'm back again. I am so happy that you seem to be enjoying the story already. I will do my best to continue to entertain you all. Also if you have any feed back I would love to hear it, since this is my first fanfic. Thank you all.

Ever since I was a kid I would sometimes see weird things. Since it doesn't seems like other people can see them maybe....

They are what you call yokai.

The sun was shining brightly on the young teen, who was making his way home from school. The teen or more specifically Natsume Takashi was special he was born with a very strong spiritual powers. So unlike others he could see creatures called yokai. Natsume inherited this power from his grandmother Natsume Reiko. With this power he also inherited "the book of friends". A book that contains the name of multiple yokai and can kill them if the paper their name is written on is destroyed. The person that holds the book can control every yokai inside. So it is not suprising that many yokai would try to steal "the book of friends".

It had been a normal day for Natsume and now he just wanted to go home to his foster parents the Fugiwara's. So he could have a nice meal with them and his annoying "cat" Nyanko-sensei. However things never seem to go as planned.

Natsume sees some yokai staring at him from behind a tree. They start to whisper, but Natsume still hears them.

"Is that him, is he the one who holds the book of friends." One of them asks the other.

"Yes I think it is, now let go retrieve "the book of friends" and give it to lord Satan." The second yokai quickly replies.

Before the two yokai even start moving Natsume starts running away from them. He won't let them take the book away from him, he did tell himself that he would return every name before he dies. When he looks behind himself he see the two yokai right behind him. Natsume then decides to find a shrine to hide inside, hoping he can stay there until the two yokai lose interest.

He then goes towards the shrine he found while learning about the town when he first moved in. Hiding inside the shrine, Natsume looks outside searching for the two yokai who have been following him. He keeps on looking out for the yokai for around an hour, before he decides it is safe to go home.

Making his way off of the shrine ground. He finds that the two yokai never left. Instead they hid behind the two trees at the shrine's entrance waiting to ambush him. The two yokai grab Natsume and Natsume lets out a scream. He tries his best to fight of the yokai, but doesn't have much success in doing so. Natsume can feel the two yokai searching for "the book of friends" and starts to panic. When a big wolf like creatures jumps in front of them and a purifing light shines.

"Nyanko-sensei!" Natsume exclaims seeing his cat in his original form.

"Sheesh, you always get yourself in trouble don't you Natsume." Nyanko-sensei complains.

Once the two yokai's grip loosens, Natsume breaks away and runs towards his cat exclaiming " It isn't like I wanted these yokai to attack me!"

Except the two yokai didn't leave, instead they were only paralyzed for a minute and continued to attack Natsume. Both Natsume and Nyanko-sensei were surprised by the affect it had on the yokai. Things started to look bad, but Natsume was suddenly saved. By a pink clown?

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