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Zach Herron
["Stress lines and cigarettes"]

"So, how did you two meet?" I ask and smile towards the two new friends and now roommates.

"Juvie, actually." Corbyn says and shows a small smile.

I could tell that Jonah shifted uncomfortably, hearing the word 'juvie' roll out of Corbyn's mouth, like Jonah belonged in there.

"Don't worry, Zach won't judge. Trust me." Corbyn says and paused. "Zach, Jonah was in the foster program too." Corbyn smiles.

"Really?" I pipe up and ask, fascinated by the man sitting in front of me already.

"Yeah." Jonah says and smile. "I lived in four different homes before the fourth home decided to adopt me. What about you?" He asks nodding in my direction.

"I wasn't in the foster program. I- my mom had her license as a foster mom and along with her boyfriend who came into our lives at least when I was ten. My siblings though, they were in the foster program." I say and lay back into my seat.

Corbyn nods, turning towards Jonah. "Zach's family has actually took me in as a foster kid when we were sixteen. Myta adopted me after a couple months." Corbyn eyes glistens in the light.

"Really? That's wicked." Jonah says and stands up, checking the time. Jonah had walked towards the coffee table, picking up the pack of cigarettes sitting on the small table and grabbing his jacket. "I'll be right back."

Both Corbyn and I nod. "So he's cute right." Corbyn asks me and I chuckle in response.

"What about your girlfriend, dummy?" I say and suddenly feel a soft but hard cushion hit my face.

"No stupid, for you." Corbyn says in such excitement.

I roll my eyes and look up. "Mhm love doctor Corbyn Herron, striking again." I joke causing Corbyn to huff.

"But really, Zach. I think you should take some time and get to know him. You will probably end up really liking him." Corbyn says with a small smile causing me to think.

"Maybe." I say and stand up. "I should probably get going. I have to be in an early class tomorrow." I softly say, grabbing my jacket.

"Will I see you soon?" Corbyn asks and I smile brightly at my best friend and brother.

"Of corse, bean. I'm not going anywhere, just off to college." I chuckle and put on my boots.

As I walk out the door, the sounds of Jonah exhaling creeps it's way into my ears and I shoot my head in his direction. I see the way his mouth loosely hung onto the cigarette, while his hands were typing away on his phone.

"Smoking, how long?" I ask, knowing that I was just being curious, but to him, probably annoying.

"For as long as I can remember. I think my very first cigarette was when I was six years old." He laughs in such worry and sadness.

My heart strings tug onto such emotion, drawing me closer to the male in front of me. Just Jonah in general made me want to hug him and tell him that I'm now here, but the sadness in his eyes told me that I couldn't do that.

"Well, see you soon, okay?" I question as I pick up my car keys from my coat pocket.

"I hope so, where you live?" He asked me in such a rush, as if I was going to ignore him.

"Well, a very small dorm room." I says and chuckle looking down at my trembling, cold hands.

"That sucks. I mean, cool kind of."


"Well, I could never afford college or a dorm in matter of fact. How is it?" He says with curiosity.

"Small, sometimes enjoyable. Roommates are very much the opposite of me. I like to party outside of the room, they party in the dorm. I like to stay quiet, they're loud." I say and lean against the building, to hold my form.

"Oh, nice. Well, I will see you soon, right?" He says with a small smile tugging at his lips.

I shake my head and wave at him as I began to walk to my truck.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2018 ⏰

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