5 - Meeting you

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I woke up extra early today, not wanting to be late for my interview. I wore an ash brown casual business attire, as the intel they give me said wore somewhat a formal clothing. I was planing to wear a dress but they also stated that they wanted a demo of my skills so this is what I decided in the end. I went down to the kitchen hoping mom had prepared breakfast for me.

"Mom? " I call out for her but only found a note on the table instead.

"I'm going out with your aunt today and won't be home till nighttime. There's sandwich in the fridge. Take care of dinner will you. Love, mom. "  the note written. Aw... looks like I'm having dinner on my own.

I took my breakfast and went into my car. I arrived at the building at 07:35 which is about 25 minutes early then the said time. So, I decide take my time and observe the building in front of me. It doesn't seem like a office to me but rather a very classic place where people would to have a drink or two, a classical bar if you will.

I checked the address given to conform the location, but it turns out this is the right place. Hm... maybe they like to drink in the morning?

I went out of the car and enter the bar. A waitress saw me and approach me.

"I'm sorry but we are not open till 11 in the morning. " She said, which surprise me.

"Eh? But someone asked me to meet them here. " I said, slightly panicked. Before we spoke anything a man came to us.

"I'll take care of this. " He send the girl back and face me. "How can I help you? "

"Erm... I'm suppose to be expected by someone, here. " He look at me frowning but changed like something came to his head. "Ah... by someone you meant Mr. Kim right? "

"Yes, yes. " Why didn't I just tell him that!?

"Please follow me. " He then lead me to the back of the bar. If the curtains isn't lifted I wouldn't have suspect that there's an elevator here.

We rode up to the fifth floor. Before we reached there he spoke again.
"This floor is only allowed to those that are invited by Mr. Kim himself. "

"...I see. " Woah. His's really quite rich.

Once the door opens he take me inside and told me to sit at the middle black couch. This floor is completely different from the first floor. The first floor is all about brown, dark brown and brown but here there's only black and white here.

 The first floor is all about brown, dark brown and brown but here there's only black and white here

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After awhile a man appear along with a girl behind him.

"You must be Lalisa. " the man spoke.

"And you are Mr. Kim right? "

"Yes. Looks like your not the type to be late. "

"Er... I guess. " If only he knew...

"Hi. I'm Jennie Kim. " the girl introduces herself. I was about to reply but words seems to got stuck in my throat. Damn... She's beautiful. I mean look at her cat like eyes, its like sending me chills with just a look at it. Plus the mini skirt she's wearing is real-

"Hey you okay? " she said as I didn't reply her. She's even smiling at me. I think I'm blushing as I can feel heat run though my face.

"H-hi Mi-miss Kim. " I stumble on my words.

"Okay. Miss Manobal. " she smirks.

"Eh? Oh no, its Manoban not Manobal. " I said smiling.

"Oh. I- I'm sorry. " She's a bit embarrass now. Even her cheeks start to become red. Cute.

"Its okay. A lot of people get it wrong. "

She was about to speak but a crush interrupted her.

"Oww!! Yo- " two man somehow tripled themself at the door of the elevator. Once they saw us they quickly fix their position and approach us.

"I'm so sorry that I'm late Mr. Kim. There was some trouble on my way here. " the man with purple-ish hair said while glancing the other man. As he finished the said man budge in. "I apologise of my lose track of time Mr. Kim."

"Its alright. We just got here too. Now let's start this interview shall we? "

We were asked to introduce ourself before starting the interview. Funny thing was we were told to stay while the other is being interviewed. And I must say the one with the blonde hair is such a flirt. He's been trying to flirty with Miss Kim for a while now and it's very annoying. Bobby is alright I guess but I think he and Jay know each other.

"Jennie, don't you think we should get to know each other more? I can tell that we have a lot in common. " The flirty said.  Ugh! Again!? This guy is unbelievable!

"No. " Jennie said not even looking at him.

"Are yo- " Miss Kim didn't even wait for him to finish and just cut him off.

"Yes. Yes I'm sure. " she said while looking up and shift her eyes to me. The moment she looks at me I started to get nervous. Shit! Its my turn. I don't want to jinx this up. I'm very awkward...!

"Miss Manoban. " Miss Kim said smiling as she finally pronouns my name right.

"Y-yes. " Yah Lisa! Control your voice!

"I been wanting ask. Where are you from? Your features doesn't look Korean. " She said while smirking. That actually make me a bit less nervous. So I try to throw a joke in.

"That's kinda racist. " I said. It caught her off guard as she gives me a 'whattt?' look.

"I'm actually from Thailand. But I'm been living here with my family for about 15 years now. "

"I see. That explain how you can speak Korean so fluently. " Miss Kim said while nodding to herself. Why is she so cute?!

"Here stated that you have been training with your father, is it correct? "

"Yes. He's been teaching me various martail art since I was a child. "

"Among all the styles you learn which is your favourite? "

"Hm... I don't know actually. I normally just mix them up while fighting. "   I was looking up the ceiling while answering but when I look back down, Miss Kim was wearing a amused face.

"Did I did something? " I asked out of curiosity.

"No. Well I think your interview end here. " She said. Still not changing her looks.

Suddenly Mr. Kim stood up and clapped his hand together.

"Thank you Lalisa. Now let us process to the ring . "

"The ring? " I said, clearly confused. He didn't answer my question and  just pointed at the middle where a round stage is and walk towards it.   

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