Part 1

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Areum and Haneul are twins. Both of them were loved by their parent. Areum is chubby while Haneul is slim. Haneul doesn't like how people keep talking behind by saying she is too pretty to walk side to Areum. Her friends also asked why she always walks with Areum. It will ruin her popularity among students if she is still with Areum.

At school, Haneul was known as Angel of Beauty since they always saw her with Areum. Haneul does not tell the others about her and Areum relationship since she doesn't people know they are twins but a different side.

"Why are you always with her? Is she your family?" Jieun asked. Haneul gulped as heard her. She doesn't tell anyone about Areum. Honestly, she bit embarrassing walking with her.

"N-No! Who would want her to be mine? Eww... That chubby girl? Never in a million years, I want her in my family. We just bumped at the school's gate. That's all." Haneul said. She looks around hoping Areum didn't hear her. Lucky she was not there.

"Our Haneul is not just pretty she also nice. She's friends with everyone. But please stay away from that chubby girl. We don't want you to lose people's attention. Being popular is good because of every boy's eye on us. Even our senior also couldn't reject our prettiness especially our Angel of Beauty." Hana added making all of them smile happily.

Haneul looks around and spots Areum was alone. Then she saw a group of a girl walking to her. Hana elbowed Jieun to watch the scene of what would happen to Areum. Their seats are not far from Areum to hear what the girls said to Areum.

"Oh... Look what we have here. Baby Rhyno is eating alone. Why though?" The leader of the group said. Areum does not say anything just eating her foods. Haneul somehow feels annoying to Areum because she does not defend herself.

"Oh wait- She has no friends. Who wants a friend with her? Fatty, ugly, and no fun." The other girl responds. They just laugh at Areum.

"Is being fat, ugly and no fun is funny for you guys?" Areum talks back to them. They were shocked by her sudden attack. As they know, no one dared to talk back to them.

"Tzuyu what are you doing?" Haneul suddenly comes into them. She stood there along with Hana and Jieun. Her hand was holding a coffee. Areum was about to thank Haneul but what Haneul did to her made her frown.

"This is what people called fun." Haneul dusted her hand as her coffee now was drenched on Areum's shirt. Tzuyu and her friends high-fived with Haneul. Jieun and Hana also joined them. Then they leave Areum soaked in coffee.

"How could she do this to me. I'm her twin." Areum looks at Haneul's back, but she does not even dare to look at Areum. Areum sighed and took her food's tray and the plastic cup that Haneul poured her coffee on the floor. She went to the dished place to put it there.

When she about to leave the canteen the seniors enter the entrance. They just come as usual, but their eyes saw the coffee was on the floor. They look at the person who just soaked with coffee. They were about to laugh at her, but stop when suddenly one of them look very concerned and asked.

"Are you okay? Need some help?" He asks. Areum looks at him and just smile a little.

"Fine. Thank you. I'm good. Have a nice day." By that, she walks away. He can say she is not in a good mood. When he turns his head, he saw his friends were smiling wide at him with a little smirking.

"What?" He asks while walking to their favourite table. His friends were following him behind.

"First time I saw you cared for someone after you break up with your last girlfriend. But... Why is 'Baby Rhyno'? She is not your taste." His friends said. He looks at him.

"Hello. She might not have my taste, but she is still a human being. Don't make fun of her. She just got bullied and you guys should give her some strength." He said. They are not really to have lunch, but there is no place than canteen to hang out at.

"Is our playboy turn to a good boy? Where is your principle to not look at an ugly girl. What did you say? 'I hate ugly girls' and 'I'll never look at them." He asks while giving dulled face. Tae Hyung just looks back.

"You never know me Jimin. You're playboy here not me. I'm a truly innocent boy. Every time you date them, you ask me to join you when you leave them to me by saying you need to use the toilet but you saw your girlfriend. Am I toys for you?" He asks. Jimin just shrugged at his complaining.

"Well... He always likes that. Don't you remember when you ditch a girl then threw it to me? They say I'm stealing his girlfriend. And that makes the whole school see 'Jeon Jung Kook is a bad friend. He is dating Jimin's girlfriend' which is you just broke up with her. So lower I am in their eyes." Jeon Jung Kook, their friends said. He is in the same classes as Areum and Haneul.

"I'm agreed with you. If you do love your girlfriend why did you date those girls? She is a beautiful and smart girl." Tae Hyung asks. He doesn't understand this friend. He met Jimin's girlfriend before and he found she was a good and nice girl also pretty.

"She has no fun at all. I date her because of my assignment. All of mine, she did. If she knows I'm using her, she will never do that again. And I don't want it." Jimin confessed.

"Did you use her? That was unfair for her. She never did wrong to you. I admit she bit nerdy, but you can't treat her like that. You will hurt her feeling. I can see the love in her eye to you." Tae Hyung said. They look at Tae Hyung. Disbelief their ears what they just hear now.

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