Part 5

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Since the day Jung Kook and Areum got close, they become a hot topic at school. They are always together as a couple. Tae Hyung was a relief when they become a good term. But sometimes, he bit confused with Jung Kook and Areum when they have a little fight about food. He never knew that the two younger ones loves pizza.

They now were in the living room in Areum's house. Haneul was out with her friends. Namjoon and his two other friends were having some discussion in the kitchen. Areum with the three boys was doing some revisions.

"Areum? Are not you should make us some foods? It's almost lunchtime." Namjoon suddenly said. It took a second for Areum to respond.

"Oh. Sorry. I'll make it now." She gets up and went to the kitchen. Namjoon and his friends went to the living room to give some space for Areum.

"Do you need some help?" Areum turns when hears someone coming. Yoongi offers himself to help her.

"It's okay oppa. I can make it alone." Areum said and back to her work. She continues cutting the vegetables. Yoongi insists and still want to help her. He grabs some ingredients in the fridge. He placed them on the counter.

"It's not nice for me to stay free without helping you. At least let me help you. It might help to finish so soon. They look really hungry, mostly that Kookie guy." Yoongi said. Areum chuckled a bit.

"He always hungry. He eats a lot, but never gain weight. I envy him." Areum pouts, confess her jealousy toward Jung Kook.

"What are you doing here, mister? Are not you supposed to be in front of us?" Jimin suddenly interrupted them. Areum and Yoongi turn to Jimin, which is not looking in a good mood.

"I just help her." Yoongi replied.

"She doesn't need your help. She looks more expert than you in here." Jimin said. His eye is like in a fire when looking into Yoongi's eye. Areum feels that something else is wrong with the two boys and she decided to push them out from the kitchen.

When the two go back to their friends Areum sighs and just continue cooking. After 30 minutes waits for the rice to cook, Areum served the food at the dining table.

Jung Kook is the first person who comes to the dining room when Areum calls for lunch. He helps her serve the plate. Then all of them take their chair. Their eyes suddenly focus on two boys who just fight to sit next to Areum.

Jimin and Yoongi glared at each other when they were rejected by Areum to sit beside her. In the end, Areum sats between Jung Kook and Tae Hyung.

After having lunch Areum was about to wash the dirty plates when Jimin approached her.

"Need some hands?" He smiles at Areum.


"It's fine. I'm here to help her." Yoongi suddenly spoke behind them. Areum looks at Yoongi, which is already rolling up his sleeve want to help her wash the plates. When she was just about to reject their offer suddenly Jung Kook shouted her name. She went to Jung Kook leaving the two boys in the kitchen washing the plates.

"What's up Kookie?" Areum asks when she sits next to Jung Kook.

"Let's go to Namsan Tower. We're going to have friendship's lock." Jung Kook looks into her eye. Tae Hyung was peaking to see responses from Jimin as Jung Kook says it loud. As expected Jimin came out.

"Gotcha." Tae Hyung smirks.

"Oh, maybe we can find her boyfriend, right Kookie?" Tae Hyung said, elbowing Jung Kook while mentioning to Jimin.

"Ye-" Before Jung Kook could respond to Tae Hyung, Areum glares at him. She says something that might crash someone's feelings.

"Boyfriend? Never. If I want a boyfriend, the person would like Jin oppa. Caring, loving, funny, good cooking, and always makes me happy. Nobody would be like him. I've rather die and be born again just want to date and marry him." Areum just smiles while dreaming about Kim Seok Jin. She was in her dream when hears Jimin voice.

"I'm going home. Bye guys. See you next week." He said and grabbed his bag then went out.

"Uh.. yeah. Bye Chim hyung." Jung Kook responds. Tae Hyung looks at Areum.

"Are you like that type of guy? And who is Jin?" He asks when he realised he never know a guy named Jin.

"Oh Jin as Kim Seok Jin. The owner of the Mama's Kitchen Restaurant-" Areum said the got interrupted by Jung Kook.

"Her elder cousin. Namjoon hyung's hyung. He is really funny and handsome." He added.

"Stop cutting my lines, Kookie." Areum glared at him.

While with Jimin.

"Caring? Loving? Funny? Good cooking? I have those too. You just blink. What's so special about him? And... What just... Happen to me? Argghhh!!! Jiminie!! What's wrong with you!!" He shouted over the lake. There is not a lot of people, but still, they looking at him. Likes he is a crazy person.

Jimin isn't going home after going out of Areum's house. He just feels pissed off hearing what just Areum said. He doesn't even understand his feeling.

"Stupid. Stupid. Stupid!" He kicks the stone on his way to his house. His mind was messing with Areum's statement. He feels challenged.

"I can cook better than him. I'll prove it to you, Areum. Just wait and see." He scoffed at himself imagine he was talking with Areum.

When Jimin arrived home, he went straight to his room knowing that his parent would never be at home at that time because they still working and barely home early.

Every day and every night he is always at home alone. Missing the feeling be like a family again. His sister is always going out with her friends and coming home late at night. His parent also sometimes come home late and they also have dinner outside. He doesn't feel like a family. The feeling at the dining room's at Areum makes him a bit touching.

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