Chapter 6: Ah! Lesbain!

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A/N: hi!! im so pleased and grateful for the positive response i've gotten on this little fic. this is a teeny tiny chapter to keep myself and everyone else happy for the time being but i pink promise i'll have another, longer chapter out in the next day or two. kisses !!

Trixie was really bad at writing poetry.

She had sat down about an hour ago after stirring three sugar packets into a mug of coffee, feeling inspired to write but the minutes had ticked by and she found she had nothing to write about. Trixie wasn't even sure she knew what a poem was supposed to sound like.

Exhausted after an hour of sitting perfectly still and staring at a piece of pale pink notebook paper with a cartoon cat grinning at her in the corner, she shoved her chair away from the table and stood, marching into the living room and grabbing the landline from its cradle.

She punched in the number for her son's cellphone and collapsed in her easy chair as she waited. He picked up on the third ring and she sat forward, beaming.

"Hello, sunshine! How are you? I've been so worried!

"Oh, shush, it's my job! Well, did you have fun?

"Oh, good, good. How are your friends?

"That's wonderful! And that girl you were talking about?

"Ah! Lesbian! I have one of those too.

"Yes, yes! My roommate! Katya! A real live lesbian from Boston! Goodness, she's so exciting.

"Mhmm, mhmm. And she told me she used to be a poet but now she's moved way out here to get some space.

"Yes, and she's started a garden! In my kitchen, of all places.

"Isn't it? She's so interesting. And no tattoos, either!"

Trixie laughed, cupping her cheek in her palm. In her poetic flurry, she had neglected to do her hair so it sat in a haphazard knot atop her head, contained only by a pink bandanna.

"Mm, yes yes. She is. Ooh! I'm not sure. I'll ask.

"Oh, no no no. I could never, you goose.

"Oh, I'm fantastic! Life is so exciting now. I'm having a lot of fun.

"I'm glad, baby. Now, before you go, you'll never believe what I did last night. Never!"

Trixie giggled and lowered her voice conspiratorially, whispering into the phone.

"I...tried....drugs. Drugs!

"Oh, no no no! They're just herbs, really, Medicinal herbs. They're only drugs when a capitalist economy gets involved.

"Just herbs, sweetheart! Mare-ah-wanna, you know. I bet you've had it, too.

"Don't lie! I know all the kids do it. Most of the kids, at least.

"Shush! I'm still allowed to have fun, right?

"Right. I love you too. Make good choices .


Trixie blew a kiss into the phone and smiled, hanging up and returning the telephone to its cradle. She adjusted the bandanna tied around her head and plucked aimlessly at the lint that collected on the worn pink corduroy of her pinafore. Now she had something to write about. 

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