LA ! yay.?

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As I hear the impatient honks coming from outside I realize that the day is finally here. Moving day. I've been pretty eager to finally move since so many problems have piled up here in Houston. As I leave through the front door so many memories flood through my mind. Maybe I wasn't ready to let go just yet after all I did spend three whole years of my life here. As I'm walking down the cobblestone path I hear running. I go see and sure enough moving day gets a lot harder. As the two figures that are running towards me become closer I fight the urge to cry. I feel a warm and tight hug from the two best friends I made here in Houston , Stephanie and Rose. We all stand there ,not saying a word, still hugging each other afraid that once we let go it's officially goodbye. "P-please don't leave E-Emily" says Rose , already creating puddles of tears. Rose has always been the more emotional one in our trio. "Emily I wanted to say thank you for the most amazing three years of my life I love you baby cakes" says Stephanie. Deep down I could see the hurt in her eyes , but she refused to cry knowing it was a sign of weakness. We all exchanged goodbyes and hugged one more time tighter than the last hug. I walked into my car and saw them both wave goodbye until they disappeared and just like that my Houston life was over and my L.A. life was just getting started.

Once our two hour flight was over my mom hailed a cab since her car and my Jeep weren't getting here until tomorrow. The car ride lasted about fifteen minutes before we got to our destination. I looked at the house in awe since it was so big. My mom is a neurosurgeon and earns a lot of money , but has to work almost 24/7 which means she's rarely home. We started unload the object we brought with us out of the back of the cab and it was quite fast since our stuff ,along with our vehicles, weren't here yet. I took my two suitcase inside and stared ,still amazed, at the inside of our house. "Choose a room" my mom said equally amazed as me. I go around exploring and enter a beautiful room with a balcony. I open the doors leading outside and take in some fresh air. As I look straight ahead I see another balcony extremely close to mine. As I'm still taking in the view from the balcony I notice a guy. He was around my age and had messy , wet , and wavy hair. He's wearing sweatpants and doesn't have a shirt and I assume he must've barely gotten out of the shower. As I stare at his back I notice he's turning around. I quickly run inside only to forget I had closed the door. "Ow!" I exclaimed while rubbing my forehead. I'm positive he heard me because he swiftly turned around and laughed.

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