Part 2

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After school Haneul waits to apologise to Areum. She doesn't mean to do that to her, but she doesn't want to look bad in front of her friends. She wants to stay be popular. Have a lot of friends. She saw Areum walking out of the building, but her friends were behind. She pretends to not see Areum and walks with them as bumped her shoulder. Areum groan when saw Haneul not say sorry to her.

"Good job Haneul. She might home crying." Jieun laughs at Areum. She then walks passing Areum.

Areum went to the bus stand and wait for her bus came. While waiting she saw someone familiar stop their car in front of her.

"Hey young lady, wanna ride home?" The guy winked at her. Areum smiles and gets inside immediately.

"Why are you early today, papa?" Areum said. She threw her bag at the back seat and turn back to the front.

"Not really. Urmm.. anyway, why are you not with Haneul? Who send her home?" Her father asks. He usually saw them together, sometimes he picked them up from school.

"With her friends." Areum said not to make it obvious they have a little fight. They both went home while having a father-daughter talk. She feels sad when her father said he needs to go abroad for some work. She wants to have more family time with her parent. Knowing her parent would stay for two or three months made her sad.

When they arrived Areum went to help her father pack her stuff. But they do not even see Haneul at home. Her room is also quiet.

"Tell Haneul to not home late. And don't fight okay. I'll go now. Bye sweetheart." He kisses her forehead and gets inside the cab. His car he leaves for Areum to use if she has somewhere to go.

Closing the door, she went to her room and took a short bath since she had just back home. When she has done, her phone buzzed. She got texted from Haneul.

'My friends are coming. Stay in your room or go somewhere. Don't come home until I told. And one more thing, mama and papa going abroad for two or three months.' Haneul's text said.

Areum sighed and decided to go out for a while to calm herself from the stress. Grabbing her purse and car key, she drives to town to have to see sight and window shopping. She looks at her phone. Haneul still has not texted her. She looked again at the clock and it's already 7:15 pm. Not knowing where should she go, she just drove to the nearest park around her house's area.

"Is this seat vacant?" Someone asks. Areum looks up and saw her senior.

"Yeah. What are you doing here?" She asks him when she has never seen him around there. She was sure she has never seen him.

"Oh. I live here. My parent bought a new house around here. And you?" He asks back.

"Same goes to you. I live here too. So we are neighbours?" Areum glanced at him. He just smiles. Areum found it weird to see his boxy smile.

"I guess. So what are you doing here?" Areum looks at the front when hears his question.

"Nothing. Just wasting time." She replied.

"So funny. No one would waste their time here. Is there someone else who lives around here? I mean our school friends?" He asks again.

"No. These are rich residents. Not many people stay here. Just rich people like us." Areum replied. Tae Hyung nods understandingly. They both stay silent for a while. Tae Hyung doesn't know what to talk about since he never talks with his junior.

"Umm... It's getting late. Are not you going home?" Tae Hyung suddenly asks. Areum looks at her phone. No message or miss call from Haneul told me to come home. When she was about to say 'no' her phone rang. She hopes Haneul is the one who is calling, but it was someone else.

"Hello?" She answers even not knowing who is calling her. She thinks it might important.

"Hello, Areum." The guy voice coming out from the lines.

"Yes. Who is this?" Areum asks. Tae Hyung looks at her.

"Really, Areum? I'm your oppa." The guy said.

"Oppa? I don't have an oppa. When di- wait- oppa? Namjoon oppa?" Her lip curves up when realised who was on the lines.

"Yes, I am. And now can you please pick me up at the airport. Uncle said that he wants me to stay with you for a couple of months since he went abroad." He said.

"Aa.. okay. Can I bring my friend? I can't drive at night." Areum said. Namjoon was just okay with that. Areum asks Tae Hyung if he could accompany her to the airport and he is just fine with that. He did not even bother to drive her since his parent were still in their old house to settle some other things.

The drive was silent. Areum has a couple of text messages with Namjoon when Tae Hyung decided to talk to avoid him being sleepy.

"So, Namjoon is not your real oppa?" He asks while his eye is still on the road.

"Yup. He is my cousin and a lovable guy. He does love me a lot. And I'm his favourite dongsaeng." Areum smile as remembered Namjoon says he loves her so much.

"I would happy to see him. Is he a fierce guy? I'm so scared." Tae Hyung said.

"What? Why are you so scared? He is not a crazy guy that will attack anyone without any reason. But, he is clumsy. It makes him look so cute." Areum said.

After a few moments, they arrived at the airport. Areum looks around to see Namjoon. She then saw Namjoon talking with someone stranger. They look pretty close.

"Oppa!" Areum shouted. Namjoon smile at Areum. He looks at Areum then said.

"You never changes. Well, this is my friends, Hoseok and Yoongi. They will stay with us for a few days before I get my apartment from my dad." Namjoon said. He noticed a boy next to Areum.

Areum saw Namjoon look at Tae Hyung and she introduced them.

"Oppa this is Tae Hyung. My senior. He is our neighbour." Areum said then five of them went inside the car. Tae Hyung drives them to Areum's house. Their house is just two blocks away.

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