Ali joins the crew

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I sit on the hill by my house looking out at the sea. No pirates have appeared for 5 years and even if the did suddenly appear they would be defeated by our islands guards.

But what's this? I suddenly see the outline of a ship sailing near my island. Should I warn the guards? I start flipping out that I don't even realize the ship docking. The ship had a giant star on it. I never heard of this crew. I guess if they aren't famous pirates I don't think I will have to call the guards. Just incase, I get ready for a possible battle between me and these suspicious pirates.

I watch as they get off their ship and head towards town. Will they take over the island? I can't let them do that! I run down the hill towards the town. I finally catch up to them and stand in front of this crew.

"If you are going to take over this island, you will have to go threw me first!" I suddenly realize there are only two people in this crew. "Huh?", the one guy said that looked like the captain. "We are the star pirates and we are not here to take over don't worry. we just have come for supplies", said the other pirate. so are they coming to take over or not? are they telling the truth? "I see you use two swords", the captain stated. "We were looking for another crew member. wanna join our crew?" is he crazy??? "by the way, my name is Drago. I'm the captain and this is my first mate enel", Drago said. "I'm Ali nice to meet you!" Why am I being so nice?

anyways I helped them get their supplies. after, they told me, "hey Ali, we could use a navigator. how about we join us!" If these guys need a new crew member, I guess I will join them. what's the worst that could happen? "Alright, I will join you guys," I told them.

we all boarded on the ship. once the ship finally sailed, I waved back to my tiny island. I never knew I would be a pirate, but I'm one now.

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