Part 3

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When Tae Hyung enters his gate, he saw his friends already standing against the wall waiting for him. They are glaring at him because he forgets their promise to have a sleepover. Tae Hyung just grins at them.

"Where were you? We wait for 2 hours here. And what the hell you forgot your phone in the house when you not inside?" Jimin said in an annoying tone. Tae Hyung unlocked the door and they get inside.

"Seriously, where were you?" Jung Kook asks him again. The two boys sit on the couch while Tae Hyung went to the kitchen.

"I'm with Areum. She asks for help to pick her cousin at the airport." Tae Hyung answer makes them look at him.

"Areum aka Baby Rhyno? Are you serious?" Jimin asks for sure. Tae Hyung nods.

"What? She just asks for help. Nothing serious okay. We then have dinner. Not just us, but her cousin also there. And... She is not bad though. Also more surprising is she is Haneul's twin." Tae Hyung said as he sat between Jimin and Jung Kook.

"Like seriously? Did you close to her just want to see Haneul?" Jung Kook smirks at Tae Hyung.

"Knowing what happens just now I don't think we should be friends with her." Tae Hyung scoffed.

"What did she do?" Jimin asks.

"When we arrived at home. She already sleeps. And more surprising is she did ask Areum to stay out just because she doesn't want her friends to know she and Areum are siblings. I heard she had a little fight with Areum. Namjoon was about to slap her, but Areum did stop him before something bad happens." Tae Hyung explained.

"Heol! What type of twin is she?" Jimin asks.

"That's no good if you have a pretty face when your heart is dark." Tae Hyung added.

"Are trying to say I'm not a good guy? Wish! Since you were friends with Baby Rhyno your talk is also changing." Jimin scoffed at him.

"Well, I'm a friend with a good and smart girl. You guys should too. Mostly, our Kookie. You are in the same class as her. You should move closer to her." Tae Hyung said.

"Wait- Why you so protective now? Don't tell me you like her. Do you?" Jung Kook asks. It's weird for him for Tae Hyung to care about someone who is not closed.

"Yes, as a friend. I never thought to go more than that. I have my ideal type okay. I don't know if Jimin would. His type is a chubby one." Tae Hyung said. Jung Kook turns to Jimin.

"What? With Baby Rhyno? No way!" He shouted. Jimin did say that his ideal type of girlfriend, but he never had one. The real girlfriend. He never seriously be with a girl. He admits he went out with a bunch of girls, but he never takes it as a date. He just says that was accompanied.

"Oww... Don't be mad. We always keep it a secret. For now... I guess?" Jung Kook teased. Three of them have a movie night before going to sleep.

On the same night in Areum's house, something was happening.

"I don't understand you, Haneul. Why did you do that? You just let her stay outside. Alone. Don't you ever know how dangerous out there? What if I told your parent about this? What if someone kidnaps her?" Namjoon let out all his mad at Haneul. He was mad when knowing what was exactly happening.

"Who wants to kidnap her anyway? Nobody likes her." Haneul said in a lower tone, but Namjoon did hear her.

"Say who? It's just you. You just jealous I focus more on Areum, isn't it?" Namjoon looks at Haneul. At first, he already knows Haneul don't like him too close to Areum.

"I'm tired of all of this. I am just back and facing all of these problems. Are you five?" Namjoon added and went to the guest room. Areum follows him when he went inside.

"Oppa... I'm sorry." She said as sits on the bed. The three boys share a room since there is just one guest room.

"It's okay. I'm fine." Areum just smiles at his answer.

"If that's so, then good night." She said and went out.

"You both looks close." Hoseok said while placing his suitcase in the corner of the room. Yoongi also did the same thing.

"I'm going to shower first." Yoongi said and went to the bathroom next to the kitchen. Soon all of them drift to sleep.

The next morning, Areum wake up early to make breakfast for the others. Haneul woke up and go straight to school not even caring to have some breakfast. Areum just sighs. She placed the breakfast on the counter and leave a note for the boys.

She wore her shoes and went out. When she about turns to the left on the way to the bus stand, someone greets her.

"Good morning." Areum just smiles at him.

"Morning too. Why you here?" She asks Tae Hyung.

"Waiting for you." He chimed. Areum don't know why he wants to befriend her.

"You weirdo." She claimed and continues to the bus stand.

"You have disrespected your senior Areum." Tae Hyung said, but Areum does not even care about that. He just walks to the side along with Areum. When they arrived there, some car stops in front of them.

"Wanna have rides lovebird?" Jung Kook faces appeal as the window rolls down. Areum doesn't like the way Jung Kook teases her.

"I won't if you are the one also in the car." Areum said. She and Jung Kook are not on good terms. Every time they meet always has chaos.

"Where do I have to sit? This is my car Rhyno." He said, smirking at Areum.

"You are the one who gives me that nickname, isn't it?" Areum and Jung Kook have some staring contest while Tae Hyung just shook his head looking at the cat and the dog in the car.

"Too bad, yes I am. And the 'baby' is not me. That's Jimin. Only him call you Baby Rhyno. I would never call you that. Disgusted." He claimed. Tae Hyung went inside the car and before Jung Kook would change his mind he asks again.

"Are you coming or not?" He asks.

"Never! My bus is coming. Just go." She said. Jung Kook drives away as the bus is near.

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