05 » gifts

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I hope you guys don't mind, but I'm gonna try writing this story in third person. I don't know why, but I feel like it suits the story better? I don't know, I'm just experimenting, really. If after this chapter I don't like it, I'll go back to first person's :) I hope you don't mind xx


Louis stares at warily at his step brother, watching how a small smile drifts onto his lips occasionally.

Strange, he thinks. There's usually a distant, lost look in his eyes and a scowl on his lips. And today, there's a smile.

The older brother takes a tentative sip from his hot cup of tea, while watching the curly haired lad carefully. He notices how his green eyes seem brighter today, and there's that little skip in everything he does. The smile on his lips widens, even as he brings his toast up to his lips.

If he doesn't know any better, he would think that Harry stole his stash of weed and got high. But his eyes aren't bloodshot and he doesn't reek of the toxic smoke.

"So," Louis speaks up, hoping to catch his step brother's attention. "I was thinking that we could head down to the club tonight? I heard they have a free tower for every table or something."

Harry pays his step brother no mind, drowning him out as he continues to go on and on about this stupid club. He's too secluded in his own little bubble. A bubble made completely out of him. He can vaguely hear his brother calling his name, over and over again, but he doesn't answer. Because all his mind is swimming with is the thought of the beautiful mermaid. Or, merman rather. He can already see him in his mind. How he floats and moves gracefully in the turquoise sea, under the glistening sun or under the glimmering moonlight. That's all he can think about, really. And to be honest, it scares him a little. Because how the hell did the stunning creature capture his heart when they've only spoken a maximum of five sentences to each other. He's not used to emotions like these.

"Harry fucking Styles!" His step brother snaps in front of his face. Reluctantly, the love struck lad brings his attention off Niall for a second to pay attention to his brother.

"What?" Harry sighs, running a hand through his hair.

"Did you even listen to a word I said?"

"Not really, but keep talking. I yawn when I'm interested." Harry quips, before he purposely releases a loud yawn.

The older lad rolls his eyes, and brushes off his brother's sarcastic comment. "So, are you in for the club or not?" He beams excitedly.

"Take a guess?" Harry cocks an eyebrow as he shoots his stepbrother an unimpressed look.

"I wanna say no, but that sounds like too easy of an answer." Louis quips, as though he's already used to Harry's behaviour.

"You're absolutely right. Now bugger off you wanker. I'm busy." Harry says, taking a big bite off from his toast.

Louis narrows his eyes at his brother.

"What's up with you?" Louis asks suspiciously.

"What's up with me?" Harry asks back, just to annoy Louis.

"You seem... happier, but at the same time, still cold and sarcastic and anti social as fuck."

"Is that a bad thing?" Harry raises a brow.

"No it's just... different. Scary almost." Louis shrugs, exaggerating a look of suspicion.

"Well, don't worry about it because all is tickety-boo in my world." Harry shoots his brother a sarcastic smile.

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