The Tough Choice

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Chapter 7:

        It was really late when we got in. When you got to the new house you went straight to bed and didn't get up until 11:00. The reason you woke up was because your computer was making some weird noises. Teo had been messaging you on Skype for a few hours. You finally replied to him.

Hey sorry I slept in for awhile.

I miss you too much

Same to you

When is this pain going to stop?

I don't know

Hey call me 

You clicked on video chat and the screen automatically connected. "Hey beautiful!" He said. "Hi." you rubbed your face with the back of your hand. "How's New York?" He asked. "Well I don't really know yet but judging from all the honking I'm gonna say loud." You both chuckled. "I love you." he kissed the camera. You reached out and pretended that you caught his kiss. "I want to make-out right now so badly." You laugh at him. "Seriously, I'm willing to kiss the screen." You laugh together. suddenly your mom came in wearing a black pencil skirt with a tucked in white collared shirt and heels that looked difficult for her to walk in. "Hey sweetie you're coming with me to work. I don't want to leave you in a house that you don't really know yet. It'll only be for a few hours." You told Teo good bye and that you'd call him in a little bit. You got ready and then headed out. You starred out the window thinking about how different life was going to be. When you finally got to this huge office building you felt almost too foreign. Your mom asked for you to follow. You went into the elevator to floor 23. "Why do you have to work on an odd number floor?" You asked her after she pressed the button. "Whats wrong with 23?" She asked. "It just seems...odd. Ha see what I did there?" Your mom sighed. The doors opened revealing a beautiful lobby. It was very fancy. "You can either go into the back room for some snacks or you can hang out here on the waiting chairs." You turned and went for the chairs. There was a TV but it was on some political channel that made you want to pry your eye's out. The lady at the front desk had left and the place was completly quiet. You decided to call Teo. As the phone rang a young girl and her mom walked in and it seemed as though she had to go through the same thing as you had with your mom. She sat in the chair to the left of you. Finally Teo answered.

Hey gorgeous! How art thow princess this evening?

I could be better. Sort of trapped at my moms work. How are you?

Oh that sucks. I'm so happy...on the outside. On the inside I rather feel like dying because you aren't around anymore. I wake up everyday thinking the same thing. "I get to see that beautiful face again!" But then I realize that I actually don't. It sucks. Really.

I know baby. I miss you too. I wish things were different. My mom and her new job are important though or I would have no house, no food, and probably die.

Aw babe that makes me sad. Don't. Please.

Sorry. But um I'll try to Skype you later.

You will Skype me there will be no "I'll try" needed.




Totally, hey I have to go somewhere with my mom but I love you and will see you later I guess.

Okay bye. Love you.

You hung up the phone and just starred at your little screen. The girl to your left must have been listening to your conversation. "Boyfriend?" She asked. "Uh yeah." You said. She looked a few years older than you. "That's unfortunate. I remember when I liked this guy from Maine. Connor. He was a real gentleman. Like most guys would never want the girl to meet the family or they were never comfortable about it. Connor would always invite me over when a new family member came into town. He was excited too. Then two years later we moved and I never saw him again. Its too bad." You nod your head feeling sorry for her that she cant even keep in touch with the guy. "Yeah. Teo and I were really close." The girl sat up abruptly. "Teo...." She wanted to know his last name. "Halm?" You said sure that she knew who he was, "What?! That's crazy! One lucky girl you are." You smile and lay back against the chair. "Yeah pretty lucky." You said almost talking to yourself. "Girl you gonna be seeing this kid again. I promise you." She placed her hand on your wrist to reassure you. "Thanks but I don't know." She didn't seem to want to argue so she changed the topic. "So where are you originally from?" She asked. "Oh uh California." You played it off like it was no big deal but the girl took it very surprisingly. "Wow that's awesome! Better than Maine by far." You laughed. "Maine's nice too." You said supportively. "I'm violet." She shook your hand. "I'm (Y/N)." You exchanged numbers after that. Violets mom came in. "Come on Vi we have to get home." She stood up. "You're telling  me all about this Teo later on." You smile at each other and then she was gone. The day went by pretty fast. When you got home it was about 6:00. You were crying for some reason and you felt really empty. You looked out the window at the Brookline Bridge across the street. It was completely empty. You were in so much pain. Not seeing Teo and having 1 friend that you probably won't ever talk to was killing you inside....there was only one thing to do. "Mom I'm going out for a walk!" You called half crying. She yelled something that you couldn't understand. You ran across the street wiping your streaming tears. You measure the drop from the bridge in your head. "Its the only way." You say as you start to cross the bridge.

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