Chapter One

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"Get up you slut!" He commanded unlocking the door and walking in. I jumped a bit startled by his voice, I felt a chill come over my body as he walked close to me. He cupped my face grabbing it tightly not letting me movie "I said GET UP!" He yelled once again. I looked at him with so much hatred and disgusted. "Don't just look at me, GET YOUR LAZY BEHIND UP!" I didn't do as he asked but moved back on the worn out, and uncomfortable mattress that was on the floor, close to the walls that had no windows and was also close to a bucket in which I was forced to use the bathroom in. "You wanna lay there? Fine." He growled walking close to where I was, as he slowly unbuckled his belt and pulling down his pants "Please...please don't." I pleaded.

"So now you decide to speak, whore!" He pinned his body on top of mine pulling down my pants, he placed his hand in my worn out shirt touching me as he repeatedly said "Tell me you like it, you like it all, don't you, your a worth less slut, no one wants you, you're lucky that you have me, you know you like it." I shut my eyes screaming in agony, I was crying from all the pain. He pulled a hand out of my shirt touching my face, "Open your eyes! Look at me." He insisted. I felt his hand slap my face as he stopped touching me. I opened my eyes looking at his face "I hate you." I mumbled, then with all the hate and loathing I had, I spit in his face. I could tell he was pissed as he pulled up his pants, pulling out his belt. He grabbed a hand full of my hair pulling me off the bed tossing me to the wall. I knew the drill, I took off my shirt and bra, then my pants and underwear. I extended my hands side to side as I felt cool, leather hit my body. It burned my skin, he did it harder then usual today. I tried not to scream because for some strange reason he got pleasure from me doing it. Then it stopped, it never stopped, not this fast anyways. I slowly turned around to see that he had his hand on his chest and was laying on the floor. He wasn't moving but was still trying to speak, foam began to come out of his mouth as I knew that it was my chance to escape. I didn't think twice, as I began to run out of the room, then out of the house. It had been a while since the suns' rays hit my skin. I kept running trying to find someone, anyone to help. Everything was abandoned, I ran and ran for what seemed to be miles, I knew that they weren't.

A couple of miles in I noticed a main road. I looked at myself, I was bruised from head to toe. I also happened to be naked, but I had to leave I couldn't, no, I didn't have time to grab clothing. This was my only chance.

Minutes later I had reached the main road a car quickly stopped as two guys came out. One had a coat and the other was on the phone. A tall black haired guy, with extremely blue eyes, with white freckled skin walked close to me, he had the coat. He began to speak but I didn't hear what he was saying. I started to scream not wanting him to touch me. "It's okay." his friend assured me, the one with the phone, I noticed that they tried not to look at my body. The guy with the phone was shorter then the other guy yet taller then me, he had brownish hair and eyes, his skin a shade darker then the other guy. He set his phone down walking towards the guy with the coat taking it from his hands. "My names Cameron, That's Nash." He told me opening the coat. He slowly wrapped it Around me, "No ones going to hurt you, I promise." He said slowly pulling me in for a hug. He held me tightly as his friend, Nash, said "Help is on its way."

Not to soon after an ambulance and three police cars came. They took me to an ambulance where they treated me. I could hear two officers talking about me "Do you think it's her?" One of them asked. "It's been almost five years." The other one said. "She looks like her." I stopped listening as I noticed that the guys who had helped me where also being questioned. The guy Cameron seemed to be getting mad while the other one was just plainly annoyed.

"Excuse me, I'm officer Jankins. Do you know your Name?" She questioned me, I nodded "My name is Isabella Daniels." I told her as she wrote it down, then signaling for the other officers to come over. "Officer Stevens, and Powell." She told me. Officer Stevens had blond hair and blue eyes she was about my height, "Can you tell me what happened?" She questioned taking out a pen and note book "Start from the very beginning."

"I was kidnapped April 25, 2009, I remember exactly when because I regret that day very much..."

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