Still a fliker of hope

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You entered into his ward, he was lying quitey in his bed. When he saw you he just looked and turned his head away from you.  It looked like he wanted to say you that he is very angry with you.

Meanwhile outside, his fans  got to know that what had happened with him. And that too that he might not live for long. And whatever few days he has left, he has to spend in hospital. The fans were going mad and they were blaming you for all the things.  And of course Niall's accident. In the meanwhile they also came to know that, Niall loves you more than Alice!!! And they were like why did someone like a person who wanted to kill him and not that person who saves his life! (there was a huge confution)
You went inside and sat beside Niall, and then suddenly his heart beat started to fall off, you got scared, he was breathing heavily, and  it as like any minute he would die. The doctors came running and told you to leave him right, And now Niall situation was very critical and you can't leave him either, but Alice took your hand and took you outside, so that you won't get more panicked neither make Niall more panicked.
It's been hours since there was no news of Niall or the doctors, you were getting more and more tensed by sitting at one place, you thought of going out for a walk and Alice would let you know if there is any news of Niall. You went outside and the whole fandom started to shout at you, you somehow managed to go though the crowds with the help of Niall's bodyguards.

You wanted to go home as you got Alice's message that, it's fine here and Niall's got normal and the doctor has said that, not to meet him until tomorrow morning.
But then you realized that you have no home your home has burned, so you called your dad to ask that were are they staying, they gave you the address of some hotel and said that, they are gonna stay there until the home get renueed.
You have nowhere to hide your face, you felt so embarrassed, the guilt was eating you up, you have done such a big mistake, And that too you never had ran away like that and never Niall would have been in this situation........ It's all because of me (you said to yourself)

You can't even cry at, what you have done and nows his fans they are never gonna leave you alone they are always gonna, make you remember that you were the one all behind  Niall's dead.....

THEN WHY THIS PUNISHMENT !!!!! AND THAT TOO NOT TO ME WHY TO POOR NIALL!!!!! WHYYYYY GOD WHYYYYY!! (you screamed out to your lungs) you scared so loud that your parents have to come and see what had happened.

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