The Movie Date (Ch1)

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Simón was trying to focus on the movie.

He really was.

After all, Ámbar had said that it was her favorite and Simón was very keen on knowing every single thing about Ámbar Smith. He liked her after all, and he wanted to know her better.

But the more the time passed by, the sun settingon the horizon, the light through the windows turning slimmer, he became moreand more aware of the fact that they were alone, in her room, with her bed justone meter away from where they were sitting.

To say Simón was nervous would be an understatement. The worst part being that Ámbar didn't seem affected at all by this situation while he was dying inside.

After some painful minutes, Simón decided to set up the mood by doing the only thing that came to mind: the "I'm totally just stretching- Ups, my arm is now on your shoulder" cliché.

It was so not original, but it would have to do.

Ámbar, of course, noticed what he was doing and rolled her eyes at his move. Well, that much he expected. What he did not expect, however, was for her to actually bring her chair closer to his so she could lay her head on his shoulder and pass her arm through his torso.

She was totally trying to kill him.

Not only was that the cutest thing he had ever seen and felt in his entire life, but also, now that she was this close, he could actually smell her perfume and damn, even her hair smelled like heaven.

Whatever shampoo she used was doing things to him. Or maybe it was just her. Her presence, her own natural scent and her body heat so close to his.

Simón just kept staring at her eyes, illuminated by the screen they were so fixated on, and then dropping his gaze to her lips, the memory of their kiss still fresh on his mind. He totally wanted to do that again.

He must have been staring too long because Ámbar turned around to face him, an annoyed expression on her face. She wasn't really mad though; he knew her. This was her acting like she was mad.

"Are you gonna watch the movie at all? Because if it is that boring you can just tell me, I'll put something else."

He decided to feign ignorance.

"What do you mean? I'm totally watching."

"No, you're staring."

"No, I'm serious. Look, the guy is gonna declare his love for the girl."

She rolled her eyes. "That happened like ten minutes ago."

"Really? Then I must have been distracted."

"Yeah, by staring."

"Staring at what?" he asked. It was just so fun to mess with her, he couldn't help himself. Every time, her cheeks would turn this shade of pink... beautiful.

Ámbar, never the one to back down from a challenge, just kept watching him straight in the eye, a little teasing smile growing on her face. "You were staring at me."

"At you?"


"Mmm nope, I don't recall. You'll have to be more specific."

They were facing each other now, the movie long forgotten. The TV was like background noise, their eyes dancing with each other, creating their own small world.

"You were staring at my face," she said. Her eyes held both amusement and challenge. Simón brought his right hand up and caressed her cheek, leaning in a little closer.

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