The Other Girl

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I woke up this morning and instantly my nose was filled with the smell of pancakes. I got up, took my shower and ran downstairs. "Hey Harry." I said not looking up from my phone. When I went to kiss his cheek for making me pancakes, I noticed he was stark naked. I was used to it, but Chloe was coming to pick me up for school. "Please put clothes on. Chloe is coming to get me and I'm already gonna die." He turned around, handed me my pancakes, and asked "Why are you going to die?" I started to shovel in my food and said, "Because I told you and the rest of the band she was singing yesterday and hates being criticized. Plus she is in love with you and she might flip out on us." As soon as I said that, I heard her car door close. I looked at Harry and he ran upstairs as fast as he could and came down a few seconds later fully dressed. Just in time too because as soon as he sat down and started eating, Chlo came in. But had someone else with her. The one person I despised the most because of what she did to Harry. Gemma Styles. Our sister. "Why did bring that butthead with you?! Do you not realize what she did to my baby brother?!" I yelled at Chloe. "No. What did she do to him?" she asked me. I said, "She.......

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2014 ⏰

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