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The phone rings.

The child jumped up, knocking something with her elbow as she ran to the phone. She picked it up, hoping with all her might that it was simply a horrible daymare, and that her mothers voice would soothe her.

But it never came.

"Hello. Hello? Is there anyone there?" A stranger asked over the phone. She was hesitant, but she answered their urgent voice.

"U-um, yes. But my parents aren't home." She worries, wondering if they needed to speak to her parents.

"Oh, honey," their voice sounds sad, from what the girl can hear. "Your parents, they," there's some static on the other end of the line. Some shuffling.

"Your parents got into an accident on the way back from your father's award ceremony. Someone will be picking you up in a day or two, but until then, seeing as we cant get ahold of any of your immediate family, we asked someone to come look after you until then, ok sweetie?" He coos, putting it as softly as he can.

"I don't," she tries to think of the words she needs. "I don't understand. Where are my mom and dad?" He sighs roughly, realizing  he would have no choice but to explain.

"Your parents arent with us anymore, they left to a happier, better place." He tells her gently. But, though the child was young and naive, she was more advanced mentally than some other children.

"They're dead." She drops the classic style wall phone and the reciever hits the ground before bungeeing back up and bouncing shallowly above the ground.

Tears blurred her charcoal grey eyes, she wiped them. Looking down, she saw where she had thrown her arms to the side and knocked the cake from the table. It lay in crumbles on the ground.

"No. No, no, no." her voice was breathy and quiet. Her mind blocked the images of her vision in denial. "No, no, no," she murmered again.

"Mother will not be pleased." She whispered. She cleaned up the floor, threw away the dirty cake, and put the rest up in the fridge.

When she closed the door, she noticed the note that her parents had left, only hours ago. In her mother's elegant script, the note read,

  Chloe, remember to eat if you get hungry. Nothing in the kitchen is off limits. We'll be home before midnight, I promise. When we get back we'll watch a movie together after you eat, your choice. Hang in there, our little Bright Eyes.

With love,

Chloe ripped the note from the door.
'see,' she thought to herself. 'they'll be back. They have to come back.'

She sat with her back to the wall on the floor of the kitchen and checked the time.


'They have plenty of time to get back'
She reassured herself again. she hugged her knees.


'it's ok, it's ok' she took a deep breath and rested her warm forhead on her knees.

The room was pitch black, save for the dim green light cast over a portion of the room, coming from the clock on the black polished stove.


She had long since gave up sitting calmly and paced the rooms of the first floor.

Back and forth and back she paced. From the living room, to the kitchen, to the foyer and back. After the first round she stayed between the first two rooms. The third just hurt too much.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2019 ⏰

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