Meeting the king

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Lily's pov
I had to leave today for the castle, nobody's ever made it back. And to my mom and my family I had to act like I wasn't. Because they knew if I was scared it was bad, but still it had my heart beating out of my chest.
   "Lily are you sure you have to go, we can leave and hide somewhere anywhere?!?" My mom said in panic. I looked at her with sad eyes "mom you know I can't do that he'll kill everyone in the village, it's not worth it. I love you but I have to go now". I say that as the carriage pulls up to take me to my own personal hell. I laughed at my thought, who in there right mind wouldn't even try to escape apparently me. I step into the carriage as my mom cry's and screams for them not to take me , but sadly the cries fall on deaf ears.

   Time skip

    As we pull up to the case I get very nervous but could you really blame me. The carriage doors opens and I'm ushered inside. A booming voice says "why did it take you idiots so long!". I watch as the strong looking men start to shake , don't get me wrong I was to.
    "Iiii I'm sorry sir her village is on the other side of the kingdom, please forgive us". "Begon"  the man says, as the men quickly leave. I turn to the voice and the vampire king is there and my death stares me straight in the eyes with eyes as green as the forest. Well at least the last eyes I ever see will remind me of my favorite place, oddly enough.

  Pic of Maxwell up top. And I'm very sorry for the long update I'll try to start updating quicker and excuse my terrible grammar.

And the short chapters.

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