Chapter 1-Unexpected

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Mum I-I can't breathe...

Wednesday 30th August

Iv woken up from an hours sleep, tossing and turning all night. But this specific morning I'm struggling. Struggling to breathe. I walk downstairs even more slower than usual, holding my right side in discomfort. Standing in the hallway I just stare into the kitchen windows, the light is watering my tired eyes. My mum heard me walk down the stairs and calls to me "Good morning beautiful". I just stand there. Still. She pokes her head round the living room door and sees me stood within a spotlight of pain. I try to tell her but the words just ain't coming clear. She gathers something is wrong and slowly guides me to the sofa to lay down, telling me to control my breathing. "Breathe in....and out, and in........and out".

I notice that, when mum turns to panic mode, she makes a funny noise with her mouth, using her tongue she clicks it within her gums, almost like a 'cluck' sound. Of course it's normal to be nervous and panic about life, however, she only tries to hide it which makes it even more obvious bless her! And to top it off, she cannot lie which makes it ten times worse haha! I do love her though!

I gulp from the glass I had been holding, the water was warm, it wasn't nice but helped to quench my thirst. Im trying to lay down, the different positions I try and nothing is comfortable at all. I'm getting stressed, I'm tired and all I want to do is sleep. Imagining what's really going on inside me, I often just lay, thinking how the human body is such a mysterious thing, without such a heart we would not be living.

As I'm lying on the cold leather sofa, I glance up at my mum, she's picked up her phone, types in a number and just stares right at me. Staring right up close, inspecting each part of my body wondering what could be happening. What is causing her daughter to be this way?!

"999 what's your emergency?"

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