Falling - A Dramione Oneshot

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A/N: This story was for the Wattpad Fanfic Competition. I would be incredibly grateful if you could support me and vote for this fanfic if you enjoy it.
I hope all you Dramione lovers out there like it, and if you do then please feel free to leave me a comment to let me know, I'd love to read your stories!
I will possibly be turning this into a full story if people are interested in it. Enjoy!

Falling - A Dramione Fanfiction

Hermione was sat in the small, dimly lit kitchen, putting potions and ingredients away in the cupboards when Nymphadora Tonks burst through the front door.

"They've attacked the city!" She yelled, startling Hermione and causing the life-size tapestry of Walburga Black to start up her familiar wailing. "The Death Eaters!" Tonks continued, rounding the door to the kitchen.

Hermione dropped the herbs she was holding and stood, panic flooding her mind. "That's where Ginny is." She voiced, taking her plastic gloves off and roughly disposing of them.

"Where's Harry and Remus?" Tonks asked urgently as Hermione scooped up her wand and tucked it into the waistband of her jeans.

"With the others, it's just me and Moody here." Hermione replied, knowing that she had to go and get Ginny quickly. "I'm going to apparate and bring Ginny back, tell the others where I am if they return-" She started.

"I'm coming with you." Tonks demanded, not taking no for an answer. Hermione simply nodded before apparating into the city.

It was complete chaos. That was the only word to describe what she was seeing. She quickly crouched behind a car that was hastily parked in the middle of a pavement, and tried to decipher the situation before her.

There were mild explosions going off around her, some close, some far away. Muggles were running amok in between flaming cars and scattered debris, screaming and lifting their children to safety. She spotted a cluster of people clad in black robes, with red and green flashes coming from the wands in their outstretched hands.

The blood boiled in her veins as she watched them, unable to stop what they were doing. She counted twelve of them as she scanned the area around her.

She did a double-take when she spotted a familiar face in the crowd. Draco Malfoy.

He was stood behind the other Death Eaters, slightly out of sight. He looked terrified, both his posture and what she could see of his face showed fear. She watched him for longer than she should have, knowing that she should be looking for Ginny.

A faint pop beside her snapped her back to the here and now and she turned to see Tonks crouching beside her. "I told Moody where we were, he said he'd send help if we aren't back in fifteen minutes. Have you found her?" She asked, looking around her wildly.

"No." Hermione mouthed, pointing to the cluster of Death Eaters making their way down the street. Tonks nodded and slowly made her way around the car, preparing to take cover in the doorway of the shop opposite.

"Go." Hermione ordered when the coast was clear, watching her friend scurry across the road. Her eyes flicked back to Draco. He had his back against the side of a building, his eyes closed and his wand in his hand.

"Hermione!" She heard and turned to Tonks who was pointing down the street towards a familiar red haired girl, carefully hidden behind a large tree.

Her eyes darted around her to map out a safe way to reach her. The cluster of Death Eaters had broken up and each of them were heading in a different direction, causing their own havoc as they went. Hermione reached for her wand and gripped it tight in her shaking hand. She turned her head and nodded to Tonks before she stood and ran as fast as she could towards Ginny.

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