1-Serena Sanders

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  Serena POV

   I was 15 when I met the guy who I THOUGHT was the love of my life. It was sophomore year of high school and he was a transfer student. I was looking for people to sit with in the caf since NONE of my real friends had the same lunch time as me. I made my way to the back end where a couple people from my English lit class were, and awkwardly tried to make myself comfortable. A guy from my class sat in front of me and smiled, "Hi I'm Eric, you smell really great." I raised a confused eyebrow, "uh...thank you?" People at my school were... interesting...to say the least. Eric ended up being super cool and we talked for a while. Eventually I got up to grab a water from the nearby vending machine where I saw a boy I'd never seen before standing next to Lacy Everdeen, my nemesis and Ashley Arnold, my chem lab partner. His profile was absolutely gorgeous. He had long, almost shoulder length dark brown hair and one of the sharpest jaw lines I had ever seen. His eyes were dark and full of mystery but I looked away quickly and made my way back over to Eric before the mysterious stranger caught on to the fact that I was gawking at him. I sat on Eric's side of the table, "uh...who the hell is that?" Eric chuckled, "oh that's- "
     But before he could answer someone tapped my shoulder and I turned briskly, making contact with a pair of dark, mysterious eyes. He smirked, "hi, I'm Shane."


     Okay.... let's fast forward quite bit because the details of my initial relationship with Shane aren't really important. We dated for about 3 months before we broke up and decided we'd be better off as friends. I started seeing a girl named Jessica in January of sophomore year but that was also when I met a key character in our little story: my future best friend Liza Marie Aplin. Liza was a girl I had spoken to only a few times throughout freshman year but she just so happened to be in my sophomore year history class. After getting annoyed at our class one too many times, our teacher decided to give us assigned seats and I ended up next to her. We hit it off instantly and got closer and closer as the month progressed. Something interesting happened that last week of January, though. She approached me nervously one day and asked me if she could start seeing Shane. I said yea! I mean why not? Our relationship was never super serious and there were no hard feelings. Also, Liza and I had only become friends after we broke up. At the time I didn't think our relationship would've affected my friendship with Liza at all but boy was I wrong. And this, my friends, is where this story really begins. 

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