Chapter 21: Past (Mistakes)

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Chapter Warnings: Character death

The featured song is 'Release' by Utopian Sounds


Hours later, as the sun began to fall from the sky, Goth groggily awakened to Palette and his dad, Reaper, hovering nervously over him. 

His head ached, but it was a far cry from the stabbing pain he'd experienced earlier. 

Images of a strange skeleton had coursed through his mind. Wearing a scarf much like his own, a white jacket with a red mark, particles covering their right eye socket... a loving smile... a gentle touch...

Was that my mom?

"How you feeling, kiddo?" Reaper prodded softly. 

"I... I think I'm alright," Goth answered, sitting up slowly and taking in the room now that he wasn't in a panic. 

It's honestly a disaster. There's dust and broken furniture everywhere... not to mention the horrible smell.

"Thank stars you're okay! Your dad said you were remembering things," Palette said, pulling the small skeleton into a hug. 

Goth returned the hug as he replied, "Yeah... I think I did..."

His eye light fell on the lone dresser he'd seen before he passed out, being the sole piece of unbroken furniture in the cabin. 

The small skeleton felt drawn to it, crawling off the bed to walk over, his hand running over the dusty folded cloth in curiosity.

"That was your mom's... the only thing remaining of him besides his dust in that urn," Reaper explained, shuffling toward the dresser to stand by Goth's side. 

Palette joined them as the older skeleton continued, "That scarf you're wearing was his too... you used to love stealing it from Geno to cuddle with it. I guess you had it this whole time." His dad chuckled, moisture accumulating around the rim of his sockets as he smiled at the memory.


"What happened... back then, when I was smaller?" Goth asked, "I've got bits and pieces now, but none of it makes sense." The smile left Reaper's face, replaced with a sorrowful expression.

"Let's take this outside... it's nicer out there," he responded, turning to the open doorway, "Going to need a nice atmosphere for this talk."

Exchanging worried looks, Palette and Goth followed the old monster out into an overgrown clearing in front of the house, not having been maintained in years. 

Slumping down into a slightly-less-tall patch of grass, he patted the spot next to him. Once the pair of youngsters got comfortable, Reaper took a steadying breath and told his story.


Reaper had gone hunting that morning. Two hours into the hunt the rain had started coming down in a light drizzle, perfect for stifling his footsteps and washing away any trace of his scent in the air. After hours of searching, he had eventually managed to find a warren of rabbits, trapping and catching enough to last his family for a full week. It was a really lucky catch.

He made his way back home, striding across the wet grass with a wide grin on his face. The rain was starting to pick up. His pace quickened as the familiar tree with a wooden swing came into view. 

He couldn't wait to show his family what he caught, they would be so excited! After getting changed out of his wet clothes, they would skin the catch to store them away in the cooler. Even if they were living so far out in the woods, he had found a way to provide electricity for his family. 

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