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Song : Salute- Little mix - "Red army edition"

Tom's black heeled boots clicked against the floor. He walked down the red army base halls his arms folded behind his back. He wore black pants a blue sweater and a blue cut-off overcoat with fur around his neck. Soldiers moved out of the black eyed males way saluting him and nodding politely. Tom nodded and smiled a them. He walked into a large meeting room. Two generals and Pau looked at him surprised. "Oh! um...Thomas? Is it?" A female with long dirty blonde hair and silver eyes looked at him confused. She looked like Tord. She wore a red sweater and black pants. Tom smiled at her. "Yes but call me Tom." "Tori, Tord's sister." Tom nodded and took a seat. "I'll be taking over for Red leader." She nodded.

A male cleared his throat. He was tall and blonde and wore glasses over his green eyes. "My name is Mark. A pleasure Tom." Tom nodded to him. Pau nodded to Tom. "Glad to see you feelin' better kid." Tom smiled. "Glad to feel better Pau. SO what's the issue on the table." Mark looked at Tom. "We were going to tel Tord we need more recruits. We know it's to stressful for him to go town to town so we were trying to figure out a solution. Maybe you have some ideas?" Tom thought for a moment.

"Can you create a broadcast to go global?" He asked having an idea. "Global? Well...I could but it would only last about 10 maybe 15 minutes." Mark said. "That's all I need. Get it running in 20 minutes." Tom stood up and left. The three looked at each other.


Tom walked down the hall. He walked to where new soldiers were getting briefed. He walked in and the older soldier stopped and saluted. "Ladies and gentlemen this is Thomas, our second in command." The young new soldiers all looked at each other mumbling and looking at Tom nervously. Tom looked at the older soldier. "Mind if i take over for a few moments?" The elder nodded. "You have the floor." Tom smiled and cleared his throat gathering the new soldiers attention. He walked past some soldiers in the front line.

"Soldiers from across the world, listen up we are looking for recruits."
He lifted a female soldiers chin who was looking down.

"If you are with us, let me see your face, stand up and salute."
He kept walking the girl now holding her head high.

"Get your soldier on, tie your boots, and salute.
We represent the Red army so salute, salute."

Soldiers looked at each other and nodded. They were starting to get fired up.

"Soldiers from all across the world, listen up we are looking for recruits!
So if your with us, lift your head up, stand and salute!
Say your prayers, fight back, win and salute!
We represent the Red Army! Salute! Salute!!"

Tom walked back up to the front. "It's who we are, we dont need no camouflage. Just a raging battle cry and we're winning wars." He turned to the recruits. "If you were listening, let me hear you say.."

"We are soldiers from across the world! Listen up we are new recruits!!
If your with us, wave your flag, then stand up and salute!!
Get you soldier on, train, win and then salute!!
We represent the Red Army!! SALUTE!! SALUTE!!"

The soldiers all chanted together an saluted Tom. They were all confident and ready. Tom nodded smiling. He left, leaving the older soldier stunned.


Tom walked down the hall smiling to himself as he made his way to the broadcasting room.
"Listen we are everywhere.
Warriors your country needs you.
If your ready, soldiers, better keep steady, ready aim and shoot.
I don't need ammunition, I'm on a mission, now i'll hit you with the truth."

Tom walked into the broadcasting room. "Are we ready?" "yes sir!" A male called. Tom walked over and sat in front of a large screen getting ready. The red army symbol came up as it listed places it would broadcast. America, Russia, Japan, Australia, canada, Brazil, Kenya....London. Tom sighed and got ready. "It's who we are, we dont need no camouflage. Just a raging battle cry.." "We are ready sir!" "Representing the Red Army, Salute, salute." Tom gave the thumbs up. The screen turned on and Tom saw it glitch for a moment before seeing thousands of cameras and knew he was being broadcasted everywhere. Tom crossed his legs and smiled. He rested his arms against the arms of the chair.

"Soldiers all across the world!! Listen up we are looking for recruits!!
If you're with us, come on in, sign up and salute!!
Get your soldier on, fight for country, then stand up and salute!
I represent the Red Army!! And i salute! I salute!!"

He stood up and folded his arms behind his back.

"Soldiers from all across the world, they are now our recruits.
If your with me raise your flag high, stand up and salute!!
They are all here waiting for command to salute!
Come join the Red army and salute!"

Tom smiled and looked around at the thousands on people looking at each other. They looked shocked and in awe. "The time has come. The war has begun. Let us fight together. And remember..you fight great!" Tom sat back down and rested his cheek on his right palm.

"But we.. are greater fighters."

Heeeeeeeeey I got it doooooooooooooone!!!!!!!! Hope you guys enjoy. And I'll be sure to draw what Tom is wearing!!
Love you guys

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