Prompt #9

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Prompt: If I could suggest something, I've had this idea for a while. Something triggers Trace's bad memeories about his mother and he gets upset, so when Kory's mom comforts him, he gets a little emotional and everybody has kind of a "family hug".


                I walked through the house, and it was quiet for once. Kory and my dad were in the living room watching TV together, and Janine was cooking dinner in the kitchen.

                I grabbed myself a glass and poured some water, leaning against the counter as I drank. Janine watched me curiously.

                “Why aren’t you watching TV with the boys?” she asked.

                I shrugged. “I hate the movie they’re watching.”

                “Well, dinner will be ready soon,” she said with a smile, turning back to whatever she was making.

                She began to hum to herself. I froze as I listened to the song she was humming. I couldn’t think of the name of the song, but I recognized the sound of it. My mom used to hum that when she would cook dinner.

                I looked up as mom hummed her usual song, meaning she was in a good mood. She looked down at me.

                “Trace, want to stir the sauce?” she offered.

                I nodded and held my arms out to her. She lifted me up and held me as I grabbed the spoon and moved it around, stirring the sauce for her. She smiled and continued to hum her song as she watched me.

                I shakily set my water down, staring at Janine as she hummed, thinking about how she was almost always in a good mood. She was always willing to spend time with Kory. To give him all her love.

                Mom was humming her usual song. She held her hand out to me and I went over and took it, smiling at her, letting my guard drop for once.

                “Do you want a taste?” she asked.

                I nodded eagerly. “Yes mommy!”

                She forked some for me and fed it to me. I giggled and nodded in approval at the taste, my eyes lighting up as she smiled.

                Janine turned the stove off, still humming silently to herself, a small smile on her face. I gripped the counter.

                “Trace, mom is gone. She’s not coming back.”   

                My dad’s choked voice came to mind and I gripped my head tightly. “Stop humming,” I whispered.

                Janine looked over at me and concern came to her face. “Trace, what’s wrong?”

                “My mom used to hum that,” I whispered. “Whenever she was in a good mood.”

                Janine came over and wrapped her arms around me, hugging me tightly. I found myself hugging her back, squeezing my eyes shut.

                “Trace, it’s okay to be upset over your mom,” she said gently. “You and Kory went through a lot as kids. Kory’s dad abused him, and your mom abandoned you. Of course it’s going to affect you as you grow up. It’s okay to be upset and even cry. You don’t have to shut out the world all the time. And you know what? I owe your mom a big thank you. Because if she hadn’t left you and your dad, I never would’ve gotten to marry Brandon. And I love him and you. I’m glad I get to call you my son now.”

                I looked up at her sincere smile. How could she care about me? How could anyone care about me? I was closed off. I was mean. I wanted it that way. I didn’t want to let people in.

                She brushed my hair out of my face. “I love my husband and I love my sons,” she said and hugged me again.

                My eyes watered and I hugged her back tightly. I heard Kory and my dad coming into the room.

                “Trace?” dad asked in concern.

                “He was thinking about his mom,” Janine said, keeping her arms around me. She smiled down at me. “And I was just telling him that that’s okay. But he also needs to remember that he has us now. I’m proud to call you my son, Trace.”

                “Family hug!” Kory said, grabbing Brandon and running over. Kory wrapped his arms around me and his mom. Our mom.

                Dad smiled and also hugged us, and I closed my eyes, sinking into the hug, surrounded by people I loved instead of a protective wall for once. I felt better. I felt loved. I felt like I had a real family.

                God, I loved my family. 

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