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People say that being a teen mom is a disgraceful thing. Girls get shamed because teen pregnancy is frowned upon and the idea that you won't be anything except a mom when you're older. You won't be as successful as other women your age. You won't be as happy. In fact, most teen mom's are single as they grow older. My situation isn't the same as these. I was only seventeen when I got pregnant. It wasn't by the school's "bad boy" or the "golden boy" or even the "foreign exchange student" or the " jock". They are part of this story, a small part but nevertheless a part. 

The guy who got me pregnant is one of your cliches but not the one people expect. He was incredibly intelligent. So intelligent that it blew my mind. It impressed me. We were in the same classes, he was smarter than I was. I was smart and he was very smart, what went wrong you may ask? I fell in love with his intelligence, his smile, the dimple on his left cheek, his eyes, him. He was perfect to me. We were partners in some of the classes. We took chemistry, Trigonometry, Spanish, and AP Psychology.

I was somewhat popular. Was I a virgin when I got pregnant? No, I wasn't I lost my virginity before I actually got to know him. We meant when we were younger. We were kids but even then he was smarter than me. He would talk to me about the stars and how he would like to map them out. He was also good at art. He drew me a photo of myself once, I kept it. Anyway back to what happened. I had trouble with chemistry and he helped me and when I understood it and got a great score on the test I invited him to a party. I've gotten drunk before but I didn't want him to see me that so that night I tried to not drink but he insisted that I worked hard and I could if I wanted to.

I did drink a lot and I even convinced him to. We were both drunk about 2 hours into the party. We were out on the patio and the stars were shining brightly. He told me that I was more beautiful than any star he has studied. I kissed him. It wasn't a light kiss, it was a kiss that would've made cupid blush and make his arrow snap into pieces. Eventually the kiss lead into something more then it should've. We had sex. He didn't have a condom and I wasn't on birth control' We were drunk. I remember the sex, how his body and lips felt against mine. We were too drunk to think about birth control.

I don't really know how I had the courage to tell him that I was pregnant, I didn't want to ruin his future but It was something that I had to do. With a little push from my best friend, I told him. This is the story of us, and how we dealt with the pregnancy and how I was shamed and how I dealt with it.

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