Chapter 5

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Tuesday; 9:58 am

I'm not as smart with my words as I should be. I should've told Con not to worry about it. Maybe I shouldn't have told him in the first place. If I didn't tell him I would be at school right now and not in a damn police station, waiting for my new friend to be released.

When Connor ran away from me last night I immediately knew what he was doing. He hopped in his goddamn Toyota Corolla and drove straight to Daniel Lawrence's house. 

Long story short, he beat the piss out of Daniel, the cops showed up and he had to spend the night in custody. He's being charged with assault. Daniel is okay, so it isn't as bad as it could've been.

"Excuse me, Miss. Are you here for... him?" a tall man in a security uniform asks me, pointing to the third cell on the right.

"Yes, I am," I reply, and the man leads me to a small room.

Connor sits in the corner on a bench. It's dreary in this place. I mean.. I didn't expect a f**king rainbow painted cell and singing inmates, but I didn't expect it to be this dark... and sad.  Con is handcuffed and his head is down.

"Hey kid! You're going home." The guard yells as he walks toward my friend, unlocking his handcuffs. I see no respect here. They never once call Con by his name. But what do you expect from a f*cking jail?

Connor and I don't say anything to each other until we get in his car. 

"What the f**k were you thinking Connor?!" I yell. "Did you think this would make anything better?"

He says nothing. I drive us home.

I park the old Toyota in front of Con's house.

"I can't go home," he mumbles.

"Well, sh*t," I say, pulling the car up to my house. "I have to ask if you can stay over first. You better start praying now."

I slam the car door and make my way into the house. I go into the living room, finding my dad watching Pawn Stars.

"Hey, Dad!" I smile fakely. "You know Connor, right?"

"Oh yeah! Good kid," he says.

"He did something really stupid. Can he stay here until tomorrow?" I ask, pulling on my shirt like the nervous wreck I am.

"Sure." He says.

I laugh out loud. "You're not being very dad-like."

"He's a cool guy, Cam. I really don't mind." my Dad replies. "Just... what did he do?"

"He kicked Daniel Lawrence's ass," I say. 

Dad laughs. "Daniel had it coming."

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