Chapter Five- The Hit

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Piper" POV

I garbed my shoes and bolted through the door not even bothering with a raincoat. Laura was having a sleepover at Leo's so I wouldn't have to worry about her being alone. It was now 11:30 pm and the storm outside was raging with high winds and violent thunder and lightning. I was soaked in minutes and for a moment I considered just going home. "Why are you even trying Piper? You heard what he said to you, you're worthless, he doesn't want your help." I was tempted to agree but I couldn't shake the image of Jason (and Drew) laying on the pavement dead after a monster attack. No. I had to help him, I could go sulk later but right now Jason needed my help and I wasn't gonna let him down. I ran towards the Pegasus stables. I was there quickly and garbed blackjack's harness "Come on Blackjack, Jason and Drew need us." I called to the horse. He wined and backed up. He hated Drew ever since she tried to put red lipstick in him. "I know, I know, you don't like her but too bad we need to help them now come on!" I stated as I mounted up. Giving up, he started into the black and angry sky.

I touched down on the other side of the baseball diamond hoping this was what Jason had meant by "Baseball"

I scanned the surroundings for Jason. No monster in sight but I ran over to the ugly pink car (Ferraris were awesome but hot pink? Get real.) to make sure. The second I dismounted Blackjack was flying away in the direction we had come. I sighed but continued to the car. As I got closer I saw a male hand on the passenger side window clawing at the glass to get out. I poured on the speed as I ran through puddles the size of cars, the whole field was just a big lake! Focus Piper that's Jason in there! Luckily the door was unlocked when I got there so I wouldn't have to waste time cracking the window open. (Not that I wasn't completely willing to if I had to, trust me.) I threw the door open and froze in shock at the scene in front of me. Jason was pined down on the seat with Drew on top of him, they seemed to be fighting. "Piper!" Jason exclaimed. I reached in and grabbed his arms to pull him out of Drew's car but she clamped down on his ankle and shin and he screamed in pain as her nails broke the skin of his leg. Anger clouded my vision, why would she do this to him? Furiously I reached in and clocked her (punched her), hitting her square in the face hoping to break her o-so-perfect nose. She squealed as my fist made contact with her stupid face. I honestly didn't care, she had hurt Jason, made my life a living hades, and ruined the Aphrodite cabin for poor Laura and the others! She deserved it She fell backwards releasing Jason from her grasp. I pulled him from the car as she went on and on about how I'd pay for this and how this changed nothing whatever that means. I slammed the door to the car. "Piper, you saved me, I love-" "too bad!"I snapped, "you hurt me Jason, BAD, you know that? And you expect me to forgive you? No! Not gonna happen! I thought I was worthless because of you! I wanted to die because of you! I was this close to killing myself Jason! I.... I hate you!"I turned and sprinted towards the road. "Piper wait! Drew used a love potion on me! I'm sooo sorry! She got ahold of the potion and slipped it into my food everyday! Please believe me! I swear on the river of Styx it's true!" he shouted. I halted, it all made sense now. " Jason I-" I was cut off by a sudden hit to my right side. I fell to the ground in pain and shock. I wanted to move but couldn't. That's when I realized that I wasn't beside the road, I was laying on it.

Everything went black.

Jason's POV

"NO!" I screamed as she was hit. No no no! I couldn't lose her now! The black van that hit her swerved and kept driving. I rushed to her side "no! please, please..." I cried. People from passing cars stopped and got out "I'm calling an ambulance!" someone from the crowd announced, sure, a hospital wasn't the best place for a demigod but I had no ambrosia on me. I picked up her skinned and motionless hand. Blood was coming from every part of her body. "Please Piper, just hang on"

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