Part 4

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Walking inside the school gate, Areum saw the three boys were standing at the guard post. She just rolled her eyes when one of them look at her. And of course, she doesn't like him when she knows him very well.

"Hey! Wait!" Tae Hyung shouted as saw Areum already passing them while they were talking. That makes students eyes on them. Areum just keeps walking to not make any scene.

"Areum wait!" Tae Hyung runs to her. Just hearing her name coming from Tae Hyung's mouth make the girls shoot glared at Areum.

"Why must we walk this Rhyno?" Jung Kook scoffed.

"Yeah. Why must I walk with you, Stupid Little Bunny." Areum talks back. They both glare at each other.

"I'm not walking with cat and dog. So embarrassing." Jimin spoke and walk to the front leaving them behind. Tae Hyung just shook looking at the squirrel.

"I swear you both will be ended married one day." Tae Hyung said jokingly, but his statement makes Jimin stop for a while before he continued to the canteen.

"No way!" They both shouted and Tae Hyung just laughed at their cuteness. He feels like he has a sister eventually he is a single son in his family.

"Oppaaaa!!!" A group of girls suddenly approached them. Jung Kook and Tae Hyung sigh when knowing that's their fangirls.

"Oppa? Jung Kook from when you become their oppa? We are in our first year here. So embarrassing. My pre-school bully is unnie's oppa? Oh My God. I'm done with you." Areum said and went away.

"Y-yah! Rhyno! Asyyy Areum!" He shouted to ask her for help.

"First time Jung Kook, you call my real name. And I'm happy helping you out... Sorry girls this boy is not vacant right now." She claimed while pulling Jung Kook arm away from the girl.

"What about oppa?" Tae Hyung pouts to Areum with some aegyo.

"Oppa your ass. Come on girls, can't you guys just let them away?" Areum said while looking at the girls. The girls snicker at her while walking away from them.

"Thank you, my sis." Tae Hyung hugs her. Areum bit surprised by his sudden action.
"I feel like hugging my teddy bear. So soft." He added then let her go.

Jimin just stared at them from his spot at the canteen. He then looked up and saw his so-called girlfriend standing there with his assignment.

"I'm done with you. I got myself a boyfriend and I will never make your assignment again. We are done here." Seol Hyeon said as she slammed his paperwork in front of him. She then walks to her boyfriend. Jimin can see the guy was smirking at him and he doesn't even care.

"I'm free dating whoever I want." He smiles wide and then he saw Areum join Tae Hyung and Jung Kook coming to his place.

"Typical playboy." Areum said, but suddenly Haneul entered the canteen with her new friends which is Tzuyu and her minions.

They saw Areum were with the senior which is the hottest one. Tzuyu came to them and flirt with Jung Kook, who is not even looking at her. Areum know Jung Kook from pre-school even they are not close. She knows Tzuyu is not even his ideal type.

"You know what, he never falls for your flirty stuff." Areum spoke. Haneul just scoffed because she doesn't know Areum and Jung Kook are from the same pre-school. That's because Haneul stays with her parent since she was a kid while Areum has been with her grandparent because she loves her grandparent.

"Like you know him." Haneul scoffed.

"Too bad we know each other, but I pretend not." Jung Kook said. Areum ignored him and was about to leave the classroom when Jung Kook calls her name.

"Areum! Wait! We are classmates. Don't leave me with these flirty girls." Jung Kook runs to join Areum for their classmate.

"Second." She said.

"What?" Jung Kook asks.

"You call me by name."

"Is that bad?"

"No. I like it more than those stupid nicknames."

"You should be glad I give you a lot of nicknames. I never give any girl a nickname before." They were talking while walking to their class.

"But I prefer you call me the first one you give to me when we are on the first day in pre-school."

"Which one?"

"Cutie." Areum replied.

"Cutie? That's was my first impression when I saw you, but it changes when you beat up a boy. What's his name again?" He asks while trying to remember the kid.

"Sehun. Oh Sehun. I wonder where he is now? How he looks like. Hey, are not you two close friends back then?" Areum turns to him.

"Well, too bad. He moves out when we were in high school. After that, we lose contact. And.. hey, why don't we just be friends? I mean the real friend." Areum stops and faces him.

"Are you sick? Why so sudden?" She asks.

"I admit it's fun teasing you, but friends also do a funny thing. We know from pre-school, but never be close. Since we are here now I just want to. Maybe we can help each other next time. Maybe to get you a boyfriend?" Jung Kook said, trying to make fun.

"You! Ughh! Fine. Friends?" She held out her hand to him for peace. Jung Kook gladly accepts it.

"Friend. So, can we give us nicknames?" Jung Kook suddenly said.

"Why are you so into giving anyone a nickname?" Areum facepalm when hears his question.

"It's cute."

"Is that means you think I'm cute? What the hell Jung Kook? Why Rhyno? You might think it's cute for you, but not to me. It's like an insult to me. What kind of nickname is that?" They both enter the classroom.

"Then what's with 'Bunny'? You the one who started it first." Areum looks at Jung Kook with a smile.

"Your teeth remind me to rabbit. It's so cute. Also, I did see you eat vegetables a lot when we have lunch." Areum said as remembered back how Jung Kook was when they were still kids.

They do not realise the whole class was staring at their closeness since they already know how Jung Kook was to Areum before.

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