Chapter Eleven

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April 24, 2018

Zach looked up from his phone when Maeve approached, smiling a little as she sat down next to him. She glanced over at his screen, seeing his photo album open to the pictures she had taken for him earlier that afternoon while they were walking around New York with the others.

"Hey," he muttered in greeting, continuing to flip through the photos.

Knowing he was looking for one to post, she judged each picture absentmindedly.

"That one," she said softly. His finger hovered over the screen as he turned to look at her. She didn't meet his eyes, still staring at his phone.

"You look good," she added in an exhale, almost as an afterthought.

He stared at her incredulously, but she didn't realize what had slipped out of her mouth until she met his eyes, her face beginning to heat up.

"What was that?" he asked, his tone undoubtedly teasing.

She turned away, shaking her head and desperately trying to calm the flush of her cheeks.

"Mae," he said slowly. She could hear the grin in his voice.

Then his hand was under her chin, turning her head back to face him. She stopped moving, unaware of how to react until he dropped his arm. His head fell to the side a little as he watched her facial expression.

"You're blushing," he said, smiling.

Thoroughly freaked out and overwhelmed, she settled for scoffing lightly and clenching her jaw before rising from the couch and walking away.


Maeve stared out over New York from the hotel room window, soft music reaching her ears from the bluetooth speaker across the room.

She and the boys had all gathered in Daniel and Jack's room for the evening, the next show not until the following night. The boys were talking, playing video games, and lying around as she stared out over glowing streets and darkened skyscrapers rising up against the expanse of the night sky.

After weeks of nearly non-stop performances including flashing lights, screaming crowds and loud music, it was a relief to have a time when everything was calm.

Maeve was humming under her breath along with the song when her phone vibrated on the desk nearby. Pulling herself off the window ledge, she walked over, expecting Jess's call.

She went still when she saw the contact name on the front screen and the word displayed.


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