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"You will now be vanished from the Three Pillars, and casted into The Living!" Sergio yells, waving his long and shiny sword.

The cold and hard cement plastered against my knees, making them very sore as I've been kneeling for the last hour.

"What will I do there brother," I questioned, the chains clinking against each other as I look up at him.

He scoffed, "You lost the right to call me that."

I looked back down at the grey cement; I guess I did lose the right.

"But," his voice echoed, "you're sent on an important task."

He paused for dramatic effect, leaving me puzzled for a few seconds.

A task?

After what I had done, this is my punishment?

"You have to find a mere mortal and truly fall in love with them," he sighed, "your time limit is 365 Living days."

My head snapped up, my eyes widened.

Fall in love, with a mortal?

I laughed nervously, "You're joking, right?"

His facial expression turned into frustration in a matter of seconds.

"No," he said rolling his eyes, "your alias is Sage."

One question lingered in my head, "What happens if I fail?"

His laughter boomed throughout the room but in a matter of seconds he became serious again.

"You will suffer for eternity in Hell."
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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2022 ⏰

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