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You'd think being youtube famous is fantastic clear skies and butterflies.

But it's not.

At least for me.

My friend Paige and I got famous after posting a little video we did in her front yard.

Soon after we became known as 'the jesus girls'

Paige moved on from that to become more successful, while I was left behind.

But I would still have a chance to come out on top.

If it wasn't for my dad.

My dad abuses me.

Mentally and Physically.

My Mom and brother died in a car accident a couple years ago and now he takes everything out on me.

I'm basically confined to my bedroom or Paige's house, which is why I helped make that video.

I act out at school for attention, a cry for help.

I smoke weed and cigarettes, I do anything for attention, for love.

I have depression and anxiety, and i cut sometimes.

But that's all you need to know, for now.

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