~Away from home~

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As island and I drive away I could feel free, like my life was a prison and I just broke out of it. Me and island hold hands along the way while she drives

"Hey do you know where we should go?"
Island stood silent for a while then answered
"Anywhere from here Alice...anywhere from here"

As night falls I lean back looking at the dark sky and I see lights in the air

"Island what's that?"

"Skylights, there usually there to show that there's a fancy party or something"

I nod and lay back down but then I look at her, she looks back at me and asked me a usual question of her

"Alice, do you want to party?"

I say with a confused look but also intrigued

"Well, it's been a long time, the night is still young and you've had a rough day today so I think you deserve it"

"Mm I guess so" I nod

In a matter of seconds she does and huge take off, turns right , turns left, turns right again. And as we do a hard stop my relaxing party is over and we get out the car
"Oh....my god, where are we?"

"We need the look first for clubbin' this is eden a neon accessory store come on"
I take off into the neon pink store with my hand in island's and the sight was amazing.

There were glow in the dark costumes, futuristic furniture, glow in he dark paint you can put on yourself, and even glow in the dark makeup.
There was so much to pick so island helped me out with the outfit since that would be pretty much of what we were wearing, we picked out each other's outfits and without seeing it we changed into them and came out;

I had to go first, but we decided to change our looks first I dyed my hair white and put starts on my face and island dyed her hair blue and bought some fake glasses along with that I was kind of excited but shy..after seeing how I looked in the outfit she picked out for me

"Come out, Alice I want to see how you look"

Me and the counter lady looked at her in shock"A-Alice"

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Me and the counter lady looked at her in shock

"Do I look bad?! I'll go change ba-"

"N-no!, you look amazing"

She walks out and lets me change and mine was rather odd

"Hmmm the gloves give it a nice look so I guess it's different"

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"Hmmm the gloves give it a nice look so I guess it's different"

"Oh my god you look so good!!"

"Aw that's sweet..,um excuse me how much for both of these?"

"It's on the house island don't bother with that"

"Thanks kei"

"Don't mention it, oh and if your gonna wear those two somewhere you should probably go to club space, that neon LGBT club"

"Thanks so much, come on Alice"

We leave the store and get into the car, island pops the address on her phone and it says we're and hour away so we rush and get to driving and make our way there

Hey guys it's me again it's been so long since I did something with island and Alice but this weekend I'm gonna be making more this weekend and let me know some scenarios that could happen at the club and I'll see you darlings later :3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2018 ⏰

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