Part 6

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Haneul was envious of Areum because she was surrounded by the hottest senior in their school. The girls also envy her. When Areum was alone, she always hears people talking bad about her. For the most part, she hates it when she hears from Haneul herself.

Areum and Jung Kook were in janitor when they both hear someone was talking outside the door. They both just listening to the girl's gossips.

"I never thought that fat girl is our school's whore. Did you see how flirty she was when with Tae oppa? So disgusting." One of the girls said.

"I agreed. At first, she tries to seduce Tae oppa, then Jung Kook. I don't know what she wants." The other complained.

Jung Kook inside the janitor was really mad when they say those harsh words about Areum. He wants to punch their mouth. He doesn't even care if they are girls or whatever. He just couldn't accept what they say about Areum.

"The new one I hear she tries to seduce Jimin oppa. Who does she think she is? A Princess? She is too ugly for our oppas." The other said. Jung Kook was about to open the door when someone footstep walked toward the girls.

"Are you three done talking?" That was a guy and Jung Kook recognises the voice. It's Jimin.

"O- I mean... S-sunbae." The girls look at the ground.

"What with Areum seducing me? Do you see her do that to me? I admit she does not pretty like you guys, but... I wonder if you have a pure heart like hers. I'm not surprised if one day, boys chasing her to be their date than with you guys. The fake one. Beauty outside doesn't mean you are beautiful inside." Jimin said. The girls stay silent. Not even dare to let out any words.

"Did our hot senior just back up his Baby Rhyno?" Haneul's voices make Areum looks up and want to hear what going to say.

"Why? Jealous?" Jimin scoffed. The three girls just leave as saw Haneul gesture them to.

"Me, jealous? Never. I'm not losing to a fat girl." Haneul replies. Jimin went closer to Haneul's ear.

"I love fat girl than skinny." He whispered. Jung Kook and Areum couldn't hear him.

"W-what? Are you kidding me?" Haneul asks she was shocked by Jimin confession. She never expects that Jimin loves a chubby girl.

"Do I look like I'm joking?" He gives her a serious face.

"You're weird."

"Thanks. I love my weirdness." Jimin claimed and walkway. There were silent.

Jung Kook looks at Areum, who just sat on the floor. He could see a drop of tear on the floor as she was lower her head.

"Don't listen to her, okay? She is just jealous because we love you more than her." Jung Kook said tries to comfort her.

"I need some time alone." Areum said while standing up. She wipes her tears and opens the door.

"Are you sure? I can be with you if you need a shoulder to lean. I don't mind." He said.

"I'm okay. I just need a little rest."

"Okay then. Text me if you need help." Jung Kook smiles and just stares at Areum's back as she walks away. His expression changes when Areum is not in his sight. He clenched his fist and walk to his class. Since the teacher was in a  meeting they have a lot of free time.

Jung Kook slammed the door open as he enters his class. His eye shows that he is really mad. He went to the Haneul's table and look at her fiercely.

"You are the one who spread the rumour, aren't you?" Jung Kook suddenly asks. Haneul just ignored him like he is not there.

"I'm talking to you, Bitch!" Jung Kook says it loud. Haneul stands up facing him.

"How dare you, Jeon Jung Kook! Why do you so care about that fat girl?" She shouted back.

"Why do I care? Because she is my best friend."

"Best friend? She friends with you just want attention, that's all. What's so special about her? We're here is prettier than her." Haneul snickered at Jung Kook. The girls agreed with Haneul.

"Is your heart pretty too? No."

"You think you're good too? No! Before you are both friends, you bully her too. Don't act like you're an innocent, Jung Kook. You and your friends just playing with her. You guys don't want friends with her. She just your 'toys', am I right?" Haneul said while her eye was looking behind Jung Kook.

"Is it... True... Jung Kook?" Areum's voice makes Jung Kook turn to her.

"No! I'm sincerely friends with you."

"Everyone says like that when they were caught, Jung Kook." Haneul added. She hates Areum close with the senior. Her envy now becomes hate whenever saw Areum with them.

"I... I can't believe this. You are such a liar! I hate you!" Areum shouted and run away.

"You! I don't know what is your problem with me. But she is your si-" But before Jung Kook could say the truth, the teacher comes in. Haneul sigh relief when Jung Kook doesn't mention that.

"What's going on here? Jung Kook, please sit down. Where is Areum?" The teacher said.

"She is the restroom." Jung Kook replied as he knows Areum wouldn't come after the incident. He knows where she could be whenever she feel not in a good mood. He hopes she is not doing something bad.

Areum sat on the top of the rooftop. She cries not even caring what was surrounding her. She has not even noticed someone else was there before she came up.

"I hate you... Jung Kook. You're a liar. I hate you." She keeps repeating the same thing. She looks up when feeling someone's presence. She wipes her tears and looks away.

"Cry as much as you can cry. I will be here. Don't mind me." Jimin said. Honestly, he doesn't know why he feels hurt when saw Areum cry.

"I don't want to see any of you." She claimed and hug her knee. Jimin doesn't know what exactly happens, but one thing he knows is Areum need someone's shoulder to lean at that time.

"I don't know how to make you stop crying but I'm here if you need a shoulder to lean." He said. Areum needs it.

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