back story on sasuke becoming narutos mate

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Naruto awoke to the sound of someone banging on his door and a voice yelling at him to let whomever it was in. Naruto groggily got up and as he listened to the person outside his door threaten to break it down if he didn't hurry up and let him in he realised it was Sasuke who was there. Naruto went to open his door curious to find out why he was here. Of course he thought nothing of the fact that he was only wearing blue boxers and black pyjama pants that ride low on his waist.

Sasuke stopped mid yell and stared at Naruto in his half-dressed glory. His arm that was raised to knock on Naruto's door again went slack to his side as he just kept on staring. Naruto was getting slightly uncomfortable with the staring. He didn't understand why Sasuke was acting like this, but that really didn't make much of a difference to Naruto.

"Um... Sasuke?" Naruto said.

"Yeah?" Sasuke said indicating he was listening.

"Why are you staring at me?" He asked.

"...I'm not staring." Sasuke said looking Naruto in the eye for a total of three seconds before going back to staring at every other part of his body. That really wasn't helping Naruto's nerves any. He mentally sighed, this was ridiculous, Sasuke was the one who was acting strangely. If he wanted to stare at him, it shouldn't be bothering him so much.

"Yeah sure you aren't, but anyway why are you here," Naruto paused then added, "In the middle of the night?"

"Huh—oh, I need a place to hide from my fan club." Sasuke said forcing himself to keep his eyes trained onto Naruto's face. He was having a hard time doing that. Naruto stepped aside making a jester for him to come in. Once he was inside Naruto closed the door and asked why his fan club would be out in the middle of the night and what the hell he was doing out in the middle of the night.

"I wasn't out until I noticed them all outside my house," Sasuke said, "And I don't know why they are out in the middle of the night or why they were at my house and I don't want to know."

"That's, um, kinda creepy," Naruto said, "Were they seriously just standing outside your house?"

"Seemed like they were planning to do something, I'm not sure what exactly, but again I don't want to know what they were going to do." Sasuke said.

Naruto then reminded Sasuke that he didn't have any spare rooms. Sasuke shrugged and said he could just sleep on the couch or something, mentally adding 'with you' to the list. Naruto didn't like the idea of making his guests, whether they were jerks or not, sleep on a couch or the floor when he got to sleep in a nice cosy bed. The only thing was he could see Sasuke being a jerk about him giving up his bed for him so he didn't want to say anything about it, but then again he had been acting being less jerk-like recently. Naruto was curious as to why, but chose not to say anything about it in case Sasuke wasn't aware of this. That was not the point though, he would just have to suck it up and tell Sasuke that he could sleep in his room and he would sleep on the couch.

Of course, that's what he said and of course Sasuke had to be a jerk about it. He just had to say, "Like I'd want to sleep in your room. It's probably a disaster in there anyway. Honestly, I'm surprised the rest of your place isn't." That pissed Naruto off, but he told himself to calm down, that he saw this coming, it's just how Sasuke is—a royal pain in the ass. Naruto made sure he'd calmed himself down before he said, "My rooms not a disaster and I don't make my guests sleep on a couch."

Naruto immediately realised what he just said that could blow up in his face. Sasuke noticed it too, and then said it without thinking about what he was saying first. Naruto was angry that he'd actually said it and glared responding with a, "You're right, I don't ever have guests, but either way I wouldn't have them sleep on a couch," bitterly and then started to grumble incoherently. Sasuke instantly wished he hadn't said anything. He responded with a half-hearted, "Hn, whatever." Then he went to find out where Naruto's room was.

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